aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0001198aMuleSearchpublic2007-11-08 12:462008-03-21 16:23
linux, debian etch
0001198: amulegui svn 20071107 kad search assertion failed
If I try to do a kad search using amulegui I always get a crash of the gui.
If I try to do a kad search using amulegui I always get a crash of the gui. Console says:
$ amulegui
Going to event loop...
Remote GUI EC event handler
LOG: amule-remote-gui.cpp(289): Fatto! Connessione stabilita con aMule CVS
LOG: amuleDlg.cpp(212):
LOG: amuleDlg.cpp(214): - Questo è aMule CVS using wxGTK2 v2.8.3 (Snapshot: Wed Nov 7 07:01:55 CET 2007) basato su eMule.
LOG: amuleDlg.cpp(216): In esecuzione su Linux 2.6.23-pm-toi i686
LOG: amuleDlg.cpp(218): - Visita [^] per sapere se è disponibile una nuova versione.
LOG: amuleDlg.cpp(219):
LOG: IP2Country.cpp(72): Caricati 248 flag bitmaps.
amulegui: ./libs/ec/cpp/ECTag.h:164: CMD4Hash CECTag::GetMD4Data() const: Asserzione `(m_dataType == EC_TAGTYPE_HASH16) || (m_dataType == EC_TAGTYPE_UNKNOWN)' fallita.

Amule listening port 4712 is tunneled over ssh when I get the crash.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2007-11-08 12:46emiscaNew Issue
2007-11-08 12:46emiscaOperating System => linux, debian etch
2008-02-21 22:05XaignarNote Added: 0002624
2008-03-21 16:23XaignarStatusnew => closed
2008-03-21 16:23XaignarNote Added: 0002742

2008-02-21 22:05   
Do you still experience this problem using a current SVN snapshot?
2008-03-21 16:23   
Closing due to lack of reponse.