aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
View Issue Details
0001589aMuleGUIpublic2010-03-08 13:312010-03-08 21:44
normalminorhave not tried
closedunable to reproduce 
0001589: AmuleGUI crashed
It does not look important. Amulegui crashed after running amuled several days working fine. It was not the first time that I connected with the server since it started.

After that crash the server was down too.
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txt amulegui-bugreport.txt (301,512) 2010-03-08 13:31
Issue History
2010-03-08 13:31edu083New Issue
2010-03-08 13:31edu083File Added: amulegui-bugreport.txt
2010-03-08 13:31edu083Operating System => Any
2010-03-08 21:44sturedmanNote Added: 0003390
2010-03-08 21:44sturedmanStatusnew => closed
2010-03-08 21:44sturedmanResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2010-03-08 21:44   
Sorry, that information gives no hint what the problem might be. Instead of the crash log a backtrace (of a debug enabled version) would have been required.
Anyway, a lot has changed of remote gui in SVN.