aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
View Issue Details
0001640aMuleFeature Requestpublic2010-12-08 23:212011-03-09 15:17
normaltrivialhave not tried
closedwon't fix 
Ubuntu 10.10
0001640: Columns
eMule and aMule nowadays has a lot of fake files. Adding bitrate and duration columns help us to avoid them.
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Issue History
2010-12-08 23:21mx_joaoNew Issue
2010-12-08 23:21mx_joaoOperating System => Ubuntu 10.10
2011-01-09 21:20MarcellNote Added: 0003528
2011-03-09 15:17sturedmanStatusnew => closed
2011-03-09 15:17sturedmanResolutionopen => won't fix

2011-01-09 21:20   
I guess you want them for videos/music in the list of search results?