aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000680aMuleMulti Platformpublic2005-12-02 14:342007-11-18 06:04
0000680: endians issue in source exchange ?
i log i've got:

2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 0): (Not declared, Invalid, SMART Technologies, Inc)
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via source exchange - IPfilter
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 0): (Not declared, Invalid, SMART Technologies, Inc)
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via source exchange - IPfilter
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 0): (Not declared, Invalid, SMART Technologies, Inc)
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via source exchange - IPfilter
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via source exchange - bad IP
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 0): (Daewoo Telecom Ltd, Not declared)
2005-12-02 13:35:15: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via source exchange - IPfilter

and i`m 100% sure these adresses are in reverse order - should be 83.x.x.x
is it amule issue or other client sending this info ?

ibm rs6k power3, RHEL4 UP2, amule and wx compiled as 32bit
amule CVS 20051127
No tags attached.
related to 0000841resolved Kry endian issue in KAD 
Issue History
2005-12-02 14:34D10TmainNew Issue
2005-12-02 16:04XaignarNote Added: 0001535
2005-12-03 00:35D10TmainNote Added: 0001536
2005-12-03 00:47D10TmainNote Added: 0001537
2005-12-03 02:29XaignarNote Added: 0001539
2005-12-03 02:48XaignarNote Added: 0001540
2005-12-03 04:25D10TmainNote Added: 0001541
2005-12-03 13:57XaignarNote Added: 0001544
2005-12-04 01:00D10TmainNote Added: 0001546
2005-12-05 20:03XaignarStatusnew => assigned
2005-12-05 20:03XaignarAssigned To => ken
2006-03-15 16:06KryRelationship addedrelated to 0000841
2006-03-21 05:57KryAssigned Token => Kry
2006-03-21 05:58KryStatusassigned => resolved
2006-03-21 05:58KryFixed in Version => CVS
2006-03-21 05:58KryResolutionopen => fixed
2006-03-21 05:58KryNote Added: 0001896
2006-09-28 12:35D10TmainOperating System => Any
2006-09-28 12:35D10TmainStatusresolved => feedback
2006-09-28 12:35D10TmainResolutionfixed => reopened
2006-09-28 12:35D10TmainNote Added: 0002128
2007-08-19 14:04KryStatusfeedback => resolved
2007-08-19 14:04KryResolutionreopened => fixed
2007-11-18 06:04phoenixStatusresolved => closed

2005-12-02 16:04   
Can you tell me which IPFilter.dat file you are using?
2005-12-03 00:35   
latest v95 from [^]
and i dont think it`s ipfilter issue but maybe source exchange part of amule

83.x.x.x it`s network of my national provider
i can without any problem download/upload from/to this network clients when i get sources from kad or server.
the issue exist only when source address commes from source exchange. i cant figure if another client is sending adresses with reversed bytes or amule incorrectly process packets in source exchange protocol.
2005-12-03 00:47   
i`ve forgot
that log entries only exist sometimes just after amule startup.
2005-12-03 02:29   
Ok, may I ask what makes you think the sources have the IP swapped? I'll review the code in the mean time.
2005-12-03 02:48   
Hum, seems that you are right. I'll commit a fix and have some of the other devs review it. Thanks for the report.
2005-12-03 04:25   
1 the last byte in addresses from log all are x.x.x.83
2 i have many clients from network 83.x.x.x
3 other addresses like (multicast)

that was signals 4 me that bytes are swapped - but in which moment:
- other client sending to network with wrong byte order
- or amule not correctly process incomming source list from source exchange

thx :-)
2005-12-03 13:57   
The problem seem to be that aMule is swapping the IP of clients received via v3 source-exchange. It a bit more wide-spread than I initially thought, so a fix will have to wait till I can speak with our Mac developer (it's a Mac only problem).
2005-12-04 01:00   
one swap 2 far ;-)

so it`s only ppc cpu issue ? on intel it`s ok ?
2006-03-21 05:58   
solvedy solvedy
2006-09-28 12:35   
yesterday i`ve recompiled CVS snapshot (2006.09.27) and i think the issue is back :(

from log (swapped bytes in ips)

2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via Source Exchange - IPfilter
2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 70): ([BG]UnAv)
2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via Source Exchange - IPfilter
2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Filtered IP (AccLvl: 90): ([L1]Apple Computer,Inc)
2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via Source Exchange - IPfilter
2006-09-28 12:23:08: IPFilter: Ignored source (IP= received via Source Exchange - bad IP