aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000841aMuleMulti Platformpublic2006-03-15 02:152006-03-21 05:58
0000841: endian issue in KAD
issue similar to issue 680 (bytes swaped) but now with KAD
in log:

many lines like (83.x.x.x is my national provider network):
Error on CKademliaUDPListener::processPublishRequest received from: x.x.x.83:4672
No ip match
some multicast addresses:
Error on CKademliaUDPListener::processPublishRequest received from: 226.x.x.x:4672
No ip match
Error on CKademliaUDPListener::processPublishRequest received from: 254.x.x.x:11678
No ip match
Error on CKademliaUDPListener::processPublishRequest received from: 252.x.x.83:4672
No ip match

PS any change to i680 ?
No tags attached.
related to 0000680closed Kry endians issue in source exchange ? 
Issue History
2006-03-15 02:15D10TmainNew Issue
2006-03-15 16:06KryRelationship addedrelated to 0000680
2006-03-15 16:07KryNote Added: 0001877
2006-03-15 16:07KryStatusnew => assigned
2006-03-15 16:07KryAssigned To => Kry
2006-03-16 00:03D10TmainNote Added: 0001882
2006-03-21 05:58KryStatusassigned => resolved
2006-03-21 05:58KryFixed in Version => CVS
2006-03-21 05:58KryResolutionopen => fixed
2006-03-21 05:58KryNote Added: 0001897

2006-03-15 16:07   
It's just debug log, so nothing important anyway

As for 680, is it not fixed yet?
2006-03-16 00:03   
i was off from amule some time
few days ago recompiled 2.1.0 and show kad error in log
now there are no errors from i680 - think it`s resolved
2006-03-21 05:58   
That printf's doesn't exist on any sane code anyway now, so closing