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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001150aMuleMulti Platformpublic2007-07-26 16:472012-03-06 23:36
Assigned ToKry 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.1.3 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001150: cant see text in amule when using right-to-left gnome (for hebrew/arabic)
Descriptionwhen the system language is hebrew (or other rtl probably) you can't see any text in the lists (this is the important text)
it's possible to mark the line of the text and double click it but you cant read it.
if you change the system language back to english you can read the text with no problem.

i have this problem with amule from fiesty and amule from gutsy on two different computers.

here is a screenshot: [^]
this is a screenshot of my shard files witch have 110 files and i've marked one of them but the text is invisible and i can't see the names.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating Systemubuntu fiesty and ubuntu gutsy
Attached Filespng file icon תצלום מסך.png [^] (88,656 bytes) 2007-07-26 16:47

- Relationships

-  Notes
DawnLight (reporter)
2009-11-29 14:10

There's a bounty on for fixing this bug at: [^]
DawnLight (reporter)
2012-03-06 23:36

There's no longer a bounty on this bug. It was only $5 anyway.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-07-26 16:47 rubia26 New Issue
2007-07-26 16:47 rubia26 File Added: תצלום מסך.png
2007-07-26 16:47 rubia26 Operating System => ubuntu fiesty and ubuntu gutsy
2007-07-27 00:17 Kry Status new => assigned
2007-07-27 00:17 Kry Assigned To => Kry
2009-11-29 14:10 DawnLight Note Added: 0003327
2012-03-06 23:36 DawnLight Note Added: 0003608

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