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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001418aMuleTransferpublic2008-09-21 12:522008-09-21 12:52
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PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.2.2 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001418: Setting DSCP
DescriptionIf amule had an option to set the DSCP to a configurable value (like ktorrent), it would be a great help for easy and low overhead traffic shaping.
Additional InformationTraffic shaping can make all amule traffic low priority so that most other traffic can go as if amule was not there. This way, we could leave amule at the maximum bandwidth all the time without having to change it to use other programs (e.g. ssh, web browser, net games).

At the moment, is hard to traffic shape amule traffic because it has no easy/fast rule (that I know) for selecting it's packets.

With good easy traffic shaping for amule, we could leave it always on at the maximum and any available bandwidth would be used for it, effectively increasing the ED2K network quality and availability.
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Operating SystemAny
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-09-21 12:52 pedromc New Issue
2008-09-21 12:52 pedromc Operating System => Any

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