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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000621aMuleFeature Requestpublic2005-10-28 18:542008-09-17 12:07
Assigned ToXaignar 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.0.3 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000621: dynamically sort data in collumns
When I click on a collumn titile, in transfers, it sorts the table regarding the data inside the collumn.
The problem is that when data changes in the table it is not sorted again. I know that it would use a lot of cpu time to do it, but why not add an option to control it?
It can be useful, for example, if you want to keep the files who are currently transfering data at the top of the display.
NB : eMule on windows does it, but if I remeber well, you can't unactivate it.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
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-  Notes
Xaignar (manager)
2005-10-28 22:13

It is currenly not possibly to properly implement this, however I'm planning on some changes that will make proper auto-sorting feasable. So stay tuned. ;)
kubrick (reporter)
2008-08-22 20:44

I think this bug should be closed now... Right ?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-10-28 18:54 kubrick New Issue
2005-10-28 22:13 Xaignar Status new => assigned
2005-10-28 22:13 Xaignar Assigned To => Xaignar
2005-10-28 22:13 Xaignar Note Added: 0001369
2005-10-28 22:27 Xaignar Relationship added child of 0000623
2008-08-22 20:44 kubrick Note Added: 0002924
2008-09-17 12:07 Wuischke Status assigned => resolved
2008-09-17 12:07 Wuischke Resolution open => fixed

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