aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
View Issue Details
0001099aMuleExternal Connpublic2007-05-05 14:482007-05-07 12:45
Linux Fedora 2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 0000001 SMP x86_64
0001099: Crashing closing last search tab
When closing the last search tab, aMule suddenly crashes without any possible explanation.
Using the rpm version distributed along with Fedora 6
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0001077resolved Wuischke Crash on closing search tab 
Issue History
2007-05-05 14:48drhilbertNew Issue
2007-05-05 14:48drhilbertOperating System => Linux Fedora 2.6.20-1.2948.fc6 0000001 SMP x86_64
2007-05-07 12:38WuischkeNote Added: 0002278
2007-05-07 12:38WuischkeNote Added: 0002279
2007-05-07 12:39WuischkeNote Added: 0002280
2007-05-07 12:43WuischkeNote Deleted: 0002279
2007-05-07 12:43WuischkeNote Deleted: 0002280
2007-05-07 12:45WuischkeStatusnew => closed
2007-05-07 13:07WuischkeRelationship addedhas duplicate 0001077

2007-05-07 12:38   
This is a wxwidgets bug (read: not an aMule bug) and happens with the combination of wxGTK 2.6.x and newer GTK+2-versions.

Please upgrade wxwidgets to 2.8 in order to resolve this issue.