aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0001101aMulePreferencespublic2007-05-11 20:352007-05-12 17:06
Redhat Fedora Core 5, 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 (Not ever going to use 2.6.20-1.2316_fc5 because it is incompatible with ntfs-3g, even though ntfs-3g says I MUST update to 2.6.20)
0001101: Language Settings Flaw
From time to time, when I update the connection capacity, or modify the Source Handling preferences, the language INVOLUNTARILY changes to Spanish, and when I go to click OK, even though the language is still set to U.S. English, it will say that aMule MUST be restarted because the Lanugage has changed, but it doesn't say what it has changed to. I only KNOW it's changed to Spanish, because the button that WOULD say "OK" says "Aceptar".
This is a major pain in the ass. I'm running on Fedora Core 5, and I used YUM to install amule, and I only use the "freshrpms" repo and the standard redhat repo.
No tags attached.
png amule error.png (142,317) 2007-05-11 20:35

png amule error1.png (60,887) 2007-05-11 20:38
Issue History
2007-05-11 20:35s14vodkaNew Issue
2007-05-11 20:35s14vodkaFile Added: amule error.png
2007-05-11 20:35s14vodkaOperating System => Redhat Fedora Core 5, 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 (Not ever going to use 2.6.20-1.2316_fc5 because it is incompatible with ntfs-3g, even t
2007-05-11 20:38s14vodkaFile Added: amule error1.png
2007-05-12 17:06KryStatusnew => assigned
2007-05-12 17:06KryAssigned To => Kry
2007-05-12 17:06KryStatusassigned => resolved
2007-05-12 17:06KryResolutionopen => fixed
2007-05-12 17:06KryNote Added: 0002286

2007-05-12 17:06   
This is already solved on SVN.