aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0001173aMuleMiscpublic2007-09-13 23:382007-11-18 05:41
closednot fixable 
linux (ubuntu)
0001173: when the last search tab is closed amule crashes
start amule, search something in amule then close the search tab and the program will exit. this was tested with the ubuntu gutsy package of amule
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Issue History
2007-09-13 23:38jeffdamethNew Issue
2007-09-13 23:38jeffdamethOperating System => linux (ubuntu)
2007-09-14 14:50WuischkeNote Added: 0002393
2007-09-14 14:51WuischkeStatusnew => feedback
2007-09-15 11:33stNote Added: 0002394
2007-09-17 06:13stNote Deleted: 0002394
2007-11-18 05:41phoenixNote Added: 0002448
2007-11-18 05:41phoenixStatusfeedback => closed
2007-11-18 05:41phoenixResolutionopen => not fixable

2007-09-14 14:50   
Which version of wxGTK do you use? If it is 2.6(.3), then it is a well know problem. If not, please install debug packages and help us by creating a backtrace. (See [^])
2007-11-18 05:41   
This is a known wx bug.
1) Do not use the X on the tab to close the search window, use the popup menu with the right mouse button.
2) Either close the windows on the reverse order which they were created or close them all at one time with close all.