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0001335aMuleMulti Platformpublic2008-06-11 01:562008-06-11 23:03
0001335: Filesystem for Temp directory cannot handle large files
It says that my XFS filesystem cannot handle large files which is kind of comic... By looking at the source I see that you white-list NTFS and EXT* which is the wrong way IMHO. There are TONS of possible filesystems (ufs, zfs, jfs, btrfs, reiserfs, reiser4, gfs, ocfs, jffs2, etc etc) and the vast majority of them handle large files just fine. Wouldn't it be smarter to just blacklist FAT and those that are known to not work?
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duplicate of 0001333resolved GonoszTopi Filesystem for Temp directory cannot handle large files. 
Issue History
2008-06-11 01:56TuxieNew Issue
2008-06-11 01:56TuxieOperating System => Any
2008-06-11 23:03GonoszTopiStatusnew => closed
2008-06-11 23:03GonoszTopiNote Added: 0002831
2008-06-11 23:04GonoszTopiRelationship addedduplicate of 0001333

2008-06-11 23:03   
Please update.