aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0001509aMuleGUIpublic2009-03-22 18:062009-05-12 17:51
0001509: Crash when all category is filtered
I'm using version 2.2.2 on ubuntu 8.10 64bit. When I changed the filter on the main category to Audio aMule locked up and will not respond: I have no audio files I selected it by accident and have not tried the other filters yet to see if they cause a crash too. Also, it would not start after that, it just immediately locked up on restart. I had to edit the amule.conf file entry AllcatType to nothing to be able to get aMule usable again.
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Issue History
2009-03-22 18:06naiveNew Issue
2009-03-22 18:06naiveOperating System => Linux
2009-03-22 21:49sturedmanNote Added: 0003107
2009-05-12 17:51MarcellNote Added: 0003133

2009-03-22 21:49   
What do you mean by "changed the filter on the main category" ?
2009-05-12 17:51   
I believe he means:

1. Right click the "all" category tab in the "Transfers" section.
2. Select "Select view filter -> Audio".

I did this procedure in the 9600 SVN and there was no crash.
My OS is Xubuntu 8.10 32bit.