aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0001538aMuleMiscpublic2009-06-28 16:472009-06-29 23:34
closednot fixable 
0001538: can't stop allocating files
I selected to preallocate files in options.
When I start a new download the file is preallocated to the disk, and while the allocation is not finished it is not possible to cancel the download.
It should be possible to block the preallocation and to cancel the download
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Issue History
2009-06-28 16:47yelo3New Issue
2009-06-28 16:47yelo3Operating System => Any
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanOperating SystemAny => any
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanNote Added: 0003202
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanAssigned To => sturedman
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanStatusnew => closed
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanResolutionopen => not fixable
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanSummarycan't stop allocating files => can\'t stop allocating files
2009-06-29 23:34sturedmanDescription Updated

2009-06-29 23:34   
Allocation usually happens in a single system call (ThreadTasks.cpp 546++) which can't be aborted. If cancel were allowed, aMule would have to wait until system call finishes to finally delete the part file (which would be even weirder).