aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000161aMuleFeature Requestpublic2004-10-21 23:202004-11-14 03:03
0000161: no result with amuleweb search feature
When searching with amuleweb i didn't get any result after a few minutes
No tags attached.
related to 0000203resolved Kry Problems with search files using Webinterface 
Issue History
2004-10-21 23:20willy78New Issue
2004-10-21 23:23willy78Note Added: 0000324
2004-10-26 22:58XaignarNote Added: 0000329
2004-10-31 23:12willy78Note Added: 0000337
2004-11-14 03:01GonoszTopiNote Added: 0000372
2004-11-14 03:03GonoszTopiStatusnew => resolved
2004-11-14 03:03GonoszTopiResolutionopen => fixed
2004-11-14 03:03GonoszTopiAssigned To => GonoszTopi
2004-11-24 23:12GonoszTopiRelationship addedrelated to 0000203

2004-10-21 23:23   
Product Version 2.0.0-rc7
the result is the same with amule and amuled
I use:
Fedora core 2
wxGTK 2.5.3
2004-10-26 22:58   
Can you try to search for something common, such as "txt" or "the", which should always give results?
2004-10-31 23:12   
I've try to search the and i can't get results
Here is the log of amule:
31.10.2004 23:13:42: Remote command: PREFS GETWEBUSEGZIP
31.10.2004 23:13:42: Remote command: WEBPAGE HEADER
31.10.2004 23:13:42: Remote command: SEARCH WEBLIST <tr><td align="left"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%u</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><input type="checkbox" name="downloads" value="%s"></td></tr> 3 0
31.10.2004 23:13:42: Remote command: CATEGORIES GETCATCOUNT
31.10.2004 23:13:50: Remote command: PREFS GETWEBUSEGZIP
31.10.2004 23:13:50: Remote command: WEBPAGE HEADER
31.10.2004 23:13:50: Remote command: SEARCH DONEWSEARCH the

31.10.2004 23:13:50: Remote command: SEARCH WEBLIST <tr><td align="left"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%u</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><input type="checkbox" name="downloads" value="%s"></td></tr> 3 0
31.10.2004 23:13:50: Remote command: CATEGORIES GETCATCOUNT
31.10.2004 23:14:35: Remote command: PREFS GETWEBUSEGZIP
31.10.2004 23:14:35: Remote command: WEBPAGE HEADER
31.10.2004 23:14:35: Remote command: SEARCH WEBLIST <tr><td align="left"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%s</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><font face=Tahoma style="font-size:8pt;">%u</font></td><td class="websearch-line"><input type="checkbox" name="downloads" value="%s"></td></tr> 3 0
31.10.2004 23:14:35: Remote command: CATEGORIES GETCATCOUNT
2004-11-14 03:01   
Since CVS version 2004.11.07 this bug is fixed. It was known as the "Any" search bug, that caused you not getting results if the search type was "Any".

Sticking to rc7, you can still search with amuleweb, but set the search type something else than "Any".