aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
View Issue Details
0001669aMuleMiscpublic2011-05-12 16:252011-05-20 20:44
normalcrashhave not tried
closedunable to reproduce 
OSX 10.5.8
0001669: Repeated crashes
Not certain, had messages at one time that too many files were open
No tags attached.
Issue History
2011-05-12 16:25gastberendNew Issue
2011-05-12 16:25gastberendOperating System => OSX 10.5.8
2011-05-15 13:05sturedmanNote Added: 0003562
2011-05-15 13:05sturedmanStatusnew => closed
2011-05-15 13:05sturedmanResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2011-05-15 20:42gastberendNote Added: 0003564
2011-05-15 20:42gastberendStatusclosed => feedback
2011-05-15 20:42gastberendResolutionunable to reproduce => reopened
2011-05-20 20:44sturedmanNote Added: 0003566
2011-05-20 20:44sturedmanStatusfeedback => closed
2011-05-20 20:44sturedmanResolutionreopened => unable to reproduce

2011-05-15 13:05   
If it complains about too many open files try 2.3.1 rc1 instead.
2011-05-15 20:42   
2.3.1 rc1 won't work on my system. Says 'not supported on this architecture'.
2011-05-20 20:44   
Please ask on the mac board about your problem.