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0001675aMuleExternal Connpublic2011-06-03 09:382011-06-03 15:23
0001675: amulecmd show dl cannot list Chinese characters
everyting downloaded is fine, the filename is always UTF-8, but no Chinese is shown with show dl

# amulecmd --version
amulecmd SVN compiled with v2.9.1 (Snapshot: rev. 10562)
# amulecmd -c 'show dl'

 > [4.9%] 12/ 13 (03) - Downloading - 162.part.met - Auto [Lo] - 5.78 kB/s
 > [5.1%] 15/ 15 +03 (02) - Downloading - 023.part.met - Auto [Lo] - 18.44 kB/s

? > [84.4%] 35/ 36 (07) - Downloading - 150.part.met - Auto [Lo] - 42.10 kB/s
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Issue History
2011-06-03 09:38mooNew Issue
2011-06-03 09:38mooOperating System => Any
2011-06-03 14:32sturedmanNote Added: 0003577
2011-06-03 15:23mooNote Added: 0003579

2011-06-03 14:32   
What OS are you running amulecmd with?
Chinese chars don't work in Windows console.
Do Chinese chars work at all in the window you are running amulecmd with?
Can you try to build amulecmd with wx 2.8 and check if it works there ?
2011-06-03 15:23   
no, it's not a console issue. i can
amulecmd -c 'show dl' > file.txt
i can open it and it's not good characters

OS: openwrt, maybe lack of locale support in libc... i'll trace this issue down when i have enough time