aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000225aMulePreferencespublic2004-12-09 11:522004-12-09 18:34
0000225: Directories group/world permissions incorrectly displayed/saved
In Prefs->Security under Default Permissions the group and world security values for Directories are, what it appears, erroneously copied from the corresponding values for Files.
Looks like a copy and paste bug in PrefsUnifiedDlg.cpp.
In PrefsUnifiedDlg::TransferFromWindow() in calls to FindWindow() the symbolic constants for file permissions are wrongly used when fetching dialog values for the directories permissions. I changed them to the correct one for directories and recompile aMule and it seems to work.
Easy changes and someone with project permissions need to do them. Thanks.
Uploaded a corrected version of the source file for reference...
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cpp PrefsUnifiedDlg.cpp (21,912) 2004-12-09 11:52
Issue History
2004-12-09 11:52permatsNew Issue
2004-12-09 11:52permatsFile Added: PrefsUnifiedDlg.cpp
2004-12-09 18:34KryStatusnew => resolved
2004-12-09 18:34KryResolutionopen => fixed
2004-12-09 18:34KryAssigned To => Kry
2004-12-09 18:34KryNote Added: 0000445

2004-12-09 18:34   
Many thanks. Fixed on CVS. And you'll be on Changelog :)