aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000235aMuleServerspublic2004-12-20 23:302005-02-07 05:16
0000235: aMule reports wrong port number to server without restart
If I change the port number in the aMule preferences and then reconnect to the server or change server it will report the new port number to the server. But it will still use the old port number for the actual connections until I restart aMule. Since it doesn't report the actual number being used it will try to use the wrong port number, resulting in a lowid.

My suggestions is that you:
1. Report the old port-number until aMule has been restarted.
2. Write a warning in the preferences dialog box saying that the changes won't take effect until you restart aMule.

Another solution might be to start listening on the new port immediatly, still having the old port open but using the new one for new connections. This would phase out the usage of the old port which could be closed when its not being used anymore, making a restart not needed.
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Issue History
2004-12-20 23:30TPCNew Issue
2004-12-24 02:00KryStatusnew => assigned
2004-12-24 02:00KryAssigned To => Kry
2004-12-24 02:01KryNote Added: 0000465
2005-02-07 05:16KryStatusassigned => resolved
2005-02-07 05:16KryResolutionopen => fixed
2005-02-07 05:16KryNote Added: 0000608

2004-12-24 02:01   
Assigned to myself.
2005-02-07 05:16   
Fixed on CVS from phoenix AFAIK.