aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000347aMuleMiscpublic2005-04-02 12:502005-04-12 00:43
0000347: [Mac] right-click on search window tab always works on hilighted tab
right-click on a 'Results' window tab always works on the hilighted tab, even if you click on a not-highlighted one. expected behavior is that it works on the tab hit by the click, so that you can f.e. select 'close tab' from it's context menu to close it w/o bringing it to front first.
wxMac 2.5.4
issue may be Mac specific.

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related to 0000348resolved Kry right-click on friend in friends list does not select it 
related to 0000174resolved ken search windows dont close using the x 
Issue History
2005-04-02 12:50m2kioNew Issue
2005-04-02 23:01XaignarSummaryright-click on search window tab always works on hilighted tab => [Mac] right-click on search window tab always works on hilighted tab
2005-04-03 00:47KryNote Added: 0000812
2005-04-03 00:47KryStatusnew => acknowledged
2005-04-03 00:47KryStatusacknowledged => assigned
2005-04-03 00:47KryAssigned To => Kry
2005-04-03 00:47KryStatusassigned => acknowledged
2005-04-03 00:48KryRelationship addedrelated to 0000348
2005-04-12 00:43KryRelationship addedrelated to 0000174
2005-04-12 00:43KryStatusacknowledged => closed
2005-04-12 00:43KryNote Added: 0000863

2005-04-03 00:47   
Not mac specific
2005-04-12 00:43   
This can't be fixed as loong as wx doesn't implement HitTest on Mac, thus this and 0000174 will not be fixed for Mac till then.