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0000045aMuleMiscpublic2004-05-02 03:032004-05-20 13:08
0000045: Simple quote pb in URL (for fake check)
This file with a quote in its name generate a bad URL :
hash : a0f19f46dddbad04c7ca6da8b5e2debc
title : L'Evadé.D.'alcatraz.BivX.By.SENSATION.trouvé

It's better replacing all special chars. Actually, it's better keepping only the one we know being OK ! We keep only letters, numbers, and some chars as -_:/|%.

My CamuleApp::GenFakeCheckUrl() follows.
Source file is amule.cpp.
// Generates an URL for checking if a file is "fake"
wxString CamuleApp::GenFakeCheckUrl(CAbstractFile *f)
        wxString strURL = ""; [^]
        wxString strED2kURL = CreateED2kLink( f );
        //printf ("Init URL : %s\n",strED2kURL.ToAscii());

        // Various symbols don't work in URLs... keep only the ones we know being OK
        for (int i=32 ; i <256 ; i++) {
                if ( ! (i=='-' || i=='_' || i=='.' || i=='|' || i=='%' || i==':' || i=='/' ||
                        (i>='a' && i<='z') || (i>='A' && i<='Z') || (i>='0' && i<='9')) ) {
                        char ascii_code[3];
                        //printf("Replace char %c with hex %s\n",(char)i,ascii_code);
                //else printf("char %c not changed\n",(char)i);

        //printf ("End URL : %s\n",strED2kURL.ToAscii());
        strURL += strED2kURL;
        return strURL;
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Issue History
2004-05-02 03:03BatmanNew Issue
2004-05-03 18:29XaignarStatusnew => assigned
2004-05-03 18:29XaignarAssigned To => Xaignar
2004-05-20 12:41XaignarNote Added: 0000058
2004-05-20 13:08XaignarStatusassigned => resolved
2004-05-20 13:08XaignarResolutionopen => fixed
2004-05-20 13:08XaignarNote Added: 0000059

2004-05-20 12:41   
The problem is that we use single quotes to escape the URL when executing the browser selected for fake-check:
        case 0: cmd = "konqueror '%s'"; break;
        case 1: cmd = "xterm -e sh -c 'mozilla %s'"; break;
        case 2: cmd = "firefox '%s'"; break;
        case 3: cmd = "firebird '%s'"; break;
        case 4: cmd = "opera '%s'"; break;
        case 5: cmd = "netscape '%s'"; break;
        case 6: cmd = "galeon '%s'"; break;
        case 7: cmd = "epiphany '%s'"; break;
        case 8: cmd = prefs->CustomBrowser; break;

Thus, we need to escape any quotes in the URL, both single and double to be safe. The rest of the escaping can be done with the wx function wxURL::ConvertToValidURI, which whill make our work quite a bit simpler. ;)
2004-05-20 13:08   
The following has been tested and committed. Please note that you need to include <wx/url.h> if you wish to test it yourself. Also, note that I updated the fake-check URL. Cheers. ;)

wxString CamuleApp::GenFakeCheckUrl(CAbstractFile *f)
    wxString strURL = ""; [^]
    strURL = wxURL::ConvertToValidURI( strURL + CreateED2kLink( f ) );

    // The following cause problems, so we escape them
    strURL.Replace("\"", "%22");
    strURL.Replace("'", "%27");
    strURL.Replace("`", "%60");

    return strURL;