aMule Bug Tracker - aMule
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0000805aMuleSharedfilespublic2006-01-30 15:142006-05-24 03:56
0000805: Doesn't liberate file deleted from incomming
When i delete file from incomming folder, even if i push actualise shared file, the disk space is not release until i close aMule(d).

I think that files' handles aren't released when files are removed from shared file list.
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Issue History
2006-01-30 15:14ju1i3nNew Issue
2006-01-31 11:56XaignarNote Added: 0001839
2006-01-31 13:54ju1i3nNote Added: 0001840
2006-01-31 18:54ju1i3nNote Edited: 0001840
2006-01-31 18:54ju1i3nNote Added: 0001841
2006-02-04 22:13KryStatusnew => assigned
2006-02-04 22:13KryAssigned To => Kry
2006-02-04 22:14KryStatusassigned => resolved
2006-02-04 22:14KryFixed in Version => 2.1.0
2006-02-04 22:14KryResolutionopen => fixed
2006-02-04 22:14KryNote Added: 0001850
2006-02-05 15:54ju1i3nStatusresolved => feedback
2006-02-05 15:54ju1i3nResolutionfixed => reopened
2006-02-05 15:54ju1i3nNote Added: 0001859
2006-03-10 05:33KryNote Added: 0001875
2006-05-24 03:56KryStatusfeedback => closed
2006-05-24 03:56KryNote Added: 0002001

2006-01-31 11:56   
This happens for both aMule and aMuled?
2006-01-31 13:54   
(edited on: 2006-01-31 18:54)
It's happens with aMuled. I've just tested with aMule and this time no problem. But i don't know if there's a problem only if the file is uploading while i delete it, or everytime. It's not very easy to test.

The check with aMule: i delete the file, space is liberated even if the file is in shared list, without pushing actualise button. I don't know if the file was in uploading while deleted.

(Config: Gentoo, 2.4.32-sparc-r1, sparc 64.)

edited on: 01-31-06 18:54
2006-01-31 18:54   
New test with aMule: if i delete the file while it's uploading, the diskspace is freed => No probleme with aMule

So only bug with aMuled.
2006-02-04 22:14   
That's a kernel issue, not aMule. Basically because we keep no open handlers for shared files.

I have seen it only with 2.4 series. Try a 2.6
2006-02-05 15:54   
If it's a kernel issue, why is there a probleme only with amuled and not why amule?
2006-03-10 05:33   
Well, you tell me. As they share same code.
2006-05-24 03:56   
Closing (NAI / lack of feedback)