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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001265aMulePreferencespublic2008-02-17 21:272008-02-19 11:20
Assigned ToWuischke 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionSVN 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001265: Unselection of "Add new downloads with auto-priority" doesn't work
DescriptionI unticked this option but Amule always adds new downloads with auto priority.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemUbuntu Gutsy Gibbon
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Xaignar (manager)
2008-02-17 22:42

It works here using current SVN. From what date is the snapshot you're using?
abracontrol (reporter)
2008-02-18 18:41

My SVN is from 17 Feb, but this is for all my SVN installed versions since two months ago too, maybe it's a file permissions fault?
Xaignar (manager)
2008-02-18 18:51

No, no, file permissions shouldn't play into it. :)

Can you tell me how you add files? Are you using the monolithic client, amulegui or something else? And the option is disabled in the preferences right?
abracontrol (reporter)
2008-02-18 20:02

No, I use only Amule. The only trick I do is associate Firefox with Amule typing about:config and adding this two lines:

network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k -> true -> /usr/bin/ed2k

And i have my temp and shared directories in a ntfs partition but for all the other things it's a normal installation without any other parameters changed (I think)
abracontrol (reporter)
2008-02-18 20:46

Resolved, It's a crossed mistake in translations between english to spanish in Amule lets me try to explain, the check box that sould say in spanish "add new shared files with auto priority" contains the text of the other box "Add files to download with auto priority" and viceversa that's why I was unticking this parameter but in reality was changing another different.
Wuischke (manager)
2008-02-19 11:20

Thanks for the report, this has been fixed.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-02-17 21:27 abracontrol New Issue
2008-02-17 21:27 abracontrol Operating System => Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon
2008-02-17 22:42 Xaignar Note Added: 0002596
2008-02-18 18:41 abracontrol Note Added: 0002597
2008-02-18 18:51 Xaignar Note Added: 0002598
2008-02-18 20:02 abracontrol Note Added: 0002601
2008-02-18 20:46 abracontrol Note Added: 0002602
2008-02-19 11:19 Wuischke Status new => assigned
2008-02-19 11:19 Wuischke Assigned To => Wuischke
2008-02-19 11:20 Wuischke Status assigned => resolved
2008-02-19 11:20 Wuischke Resolution open => fixed
2008-02-19 11:20 Wuischke Note Added: 0002609

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