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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001357aMuleMiscpublic2008-07-09 10:122008-08-13 16:52
Assigned ToWuischke 
StatusresolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.2.1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001357: Imposible establecer permisos
Description- Sistema operativo Suse 11.0
- Disco externo con sistema de archivos NTFS para guardar las descargas del aMule

Cuando se finaliza la descarga esta aparece en ocasiones al 100%, otras al 0%, pero no se muestra completada.
En el Disco NTFS aparece el fichero descargado, pero permanece en el directorio temporal los part correspondientes y la descarga no concluye.
En el menú contextual la opción "Limpiar completados" está deshabilitada.
Additional Information/home/myUser/.aMule/logfile:
2008-07-09 01:55:38: Logger.cpp(272): Error: Imposible establecer permisos para el archivo '/windows/DATA/Movies/Peliculas/Aeon Flux Spanish Xvid Mp3 Dvdrip By Freak Team.avi' (error 1: Operaciido)
2008-07-09 01:55:38: ThreadScheduler.cpp(308): ThreadScheduler: Completed task 'Completing - /home/myUser/.aMule/Temp/006.part.met', 1 tasks remaining.
2008-07-09 01:55:38: PartFile.cpp(2242): Error inesperado mientras se completaba Aeon Flux Spanish Xvid Mp3 Dvdrip By Freak Team.avi. Archivo pausado

/dev/disk/by-id/usb-ST350083_0A_00830A222222-0:0-part1 /windows/DATA ntfs-3g users,gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002,locale=es_ES.UTF-8 0 0

He leido: 'I have to put in the file /etc/fstab the option "quiet" in the vfat line.' pero creo que no debería de depender del tipo de sistema de ficheros que monte. Además, esta opción no la recomienda el propio man de mount.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemSuse Linux 11.0
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Wuischke (manager)
2008-07-09 11:52

Por favor solo Inglés en el bug tracker.

Pues, sobre el problema: No es un bug de aMule, sin embargo ntfs-3g no soporta permisos en la version estable. Usa umask=0 para evitar el error.
tigreton_5 (reporter)
2008-07-11 09:31
edited on: 2008-07-12 00:17

(I guessed the file permissions was not an aMule problem because it works peferctly with other File Systems, so it would be a ntfs permissions problem and would be a way to "avoid" the situation.)

But in my modest opinion aMule does wrong the job.

-Dolphin, when copying a file to ntfs-3g filesystem copies the file, and then a popup message informs there was a problem changing file permissions.
-cp (line command) copies the file without any message.
-aMule copies the file, but it logs a permission error, and dont finishes the task. If the file is correcty copied from temp dir to shared dir (ntfs or whatever) althought permissions couldn't be set, aMule should finish the task instead of breaking the operation.

edited on: 07-12-08 00:17
Wuischke (manager)
2008-08-13 16:52

I do not agree. Please open a discussion in the forum should you want to change aMule's behaviour, if another developer agrees on your point of view, this might be changed.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-07-09 10:12 tigreton_5 New Issue
2008-07-09 10:12 tigreton_5 Operating System => Suse Linux 11.0
2008-07-09 11:52 Wuischke Note Added: 0002861
2008-07-11 09:31 tigreton_5 Note Added: 0002874
2008-07-12 00:17 tigreton_5 Note Edited: 0002874
2008-08-13 16:52 Wuischke Status new => resolved
2008-08-13 16:52 Wuischke Resolution open => no change required
2008-08-13 16:52 Wuischke Assigned To => Wuischke
2008-08-13 16:52 Wuischke Note Added: 0002911

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