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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | ||||||||
0001381 | aMule | Multi Platform | public | 2008-08-17 13:56 | 2008-08-17 13:56 | ||||||||
Reporter | jmanuelgm | ||||||||||||
Assigned To | |||||||||||||
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always | ||||||||
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||||||||||
Platform | OS | OS Version | |||||||||||
Product Version | 2.2.2 | ||||||||||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | ||||||||||||
Summary | 0001381: amule hangs, amuled hangs, amulegui/amuleweb doesn't work properly | ||||||||||||
Description | Hi!! I've aMule 2.2.2 using wxGTK2 v2.8.7 running on a Toshiba a210-19I (Turion 64 X2 TL62/2Gb RAM), with fedora 9 x64 with kernel 0000001 SMP. I installed first amule 2.2.1, precompiled RPM for fedora 9 x64 from, but it continuosly hangs up without trace. After this i've decided to install 2.2.2 but for the moment nobody have generated the rpm for my platform so i've compiled by myself. After a lot of problems with my cryptopp compilation and the build i've finally compiled amule 2.2.2 and i've generate and rpm. Now i've the following problem. I've configured amuled, and i've running it but it hangs a lot of times and when after having it running if i've start amulegui it doesn't connect and i can't see the real amuled status (my downloads, my shareds...) The only soluiton i've found is to erase in the init script known.met and known2_64,met and after that rehash al the files and works properly (except for the statatistics, they don't show anything). amuleweb, by the way, have exactly the same problem that amulegui, and it solves in the same way. Another detail is that amule.conf and remote.conf aren't synchronized, and i syncronize them by my self (cp ..., you know), to avoid problem with differences in configuration. Please, i need help!!! PD: I've attached my conf files to this thread. (Sorry about my awkful english) | ||||||||||||
Additional Information | [admin@sandra2 .aMule]$ cat amule.conf [eMule] AppVersion=2.2.2 Nick= [^] NewVersionCheck=1 StartupMinimized=1 ConfirmExit=1 EnableTrayIcon=1 MinToTray=1 ToolTipDelay=1 MaxDownload=1024 MaxUpload=20 SlotAllocation=2 DownloadCapacity=1024 UploadCapacity=115 Port=4662 UDPPort=4672 UDPDisable=0 Address= MaxSourcesPerFile=300 MaxConnections=500 ConnectToED2K=1 ConnectToKad=1 UPnPEnabled=1 UPnPTCPPort=50000 Autoconnect=1 Reconnect=1 ShowOverhead=1 RemoveDeadServer=1 DeadServerRetry=3 Serverlist=1 AddServerListFromServer=0 AddServerListFromClient=0 Scoresystem=1 SmartIdCheck=1 SafeServerConnect=1 AutoConnectStaticOnly=0 ManualHighPrio=1 ICH=1 AICHTrust=0 AddNewFilesPaused=1 DAPPref=1 PreviewPrio=1 UAPPref=1 FullChunkTransfers=1 StartNextFile=1 StartNextFileSameCat=1 CheckDiskspace=1 MinFreeDiskSpace=30 AllocateFullFile=0 IncomingDir=/media/WOXTER/Sandra2 TempDir=/media/WOXTER/Temp ShareHiddenFiles=1 VideoPlayer= VideoPreviewBackupped=1 StatGraphsInterval=3 StatsAverageMinutes=5 VariousStatisticsMaxValue=100 statsInterval=30 MaxConnectionsPerFiveSeconds=20 FileBufferSizePref=40 QueueSizePref=40 ServerKeepAliveTimeout=30 3DDepth=5 AutoSortDownloads=0 ShowInfoOnCatTabs=1 ShowRatesOnTitle=1 VerticalToolbar=0 ShowPartFileNumber=1 SeeShare=2 IPFilterURL= IPFilterAutoLoad=1 FilterLevel=127 FilterLanIPs=1 ParanoidFiltering=1 IPFilterSystem=0 OnlineSignature=0 OnlineSignatureUpdate=5 OSDirectory=/home/admin/.aMule/ FilterMessages=1 FilterAllMessages=1 MessagesFromFriendsOnly=1 MessageFromValidSourcesOnly=1 FilterWordMessages=1 MessageFilter= FilterComments=0 CommentFilter= Language= SplitterbarPosition=75 YourHostname= DateTimeFormat=%A, %x, %X AllcatType=0 ShowAllNotCats=0 SmartIdState=1 DropSlowSources=0 KadNodesUrl= [^] Ed2kServersUrl= [^] StatColor0=4194304 StatColor1=16761024 StatColor2=8454016 StatColor3=53760 StatColor4=32768 StatColor5=8421631 StatColor6=200 StatColor7=140 StatColor8=16750230 StatColor9=12583104 StatColor10=8454143 StatColor11=0 StatColor12=8454016 StatColor13=53760 StatColor14=32768 TableOrderingServer=6 4096, TableWidthsServer=150,140,25,150,25,40,267,60,40,40,80 TableOrderingDownload=4 0, TableWidthsDownload=404,60,65,65,65,170,50,55,70,110,220,220 TableOrderingUploads=0 0, TableWidthsUploads=150,275,100,60,65,60,60,110,100,100,100 TableOrderingShared=2 0, TableWidthsShared=250,100,50,70,220,100,100,120,100,120,120,220 TableOrderingSearch=2 4096, 0 0, TableWidthsSearch=665,100,50,65,280 [Browser] DefaultBrowser=0 CustomBrowserString= OpenPageInTab=1 [ExternalConnect] UseSrcSeeds=1 ShowPercent=1 ShowProgressBar=1 AcceptExternalConnections=1 ECPassword=4A76FF03D9D4B9538BF95D71CBAE2036 ECAddress= ECPort=4712 UPnPECEnabled=1 IpFilterClients=1 IpFilterServers=1 UseSecIdent=1 [Statistics] MaxClientVersions=0 TotalDownloadedBytes=7151697414 TotalUploadedBytes=12732732826 [SkinGUIOptions] UseSkinFiles=1 [Razor_Preferences] FastED2KLinksHandler=1 MAIN_X_POS=0 MAIN_Y_POS=25 MAIN_X_SIZE=1274 MAIN_Y_SIZE=724 Maximized=0 SRV_SPLITTER_POS=303 [WebServer] Enabled=1 Port=4711 UPnPWebServerEnabled=1 WebUPnPTCPPort=50001 PageRefreshTime=120 UseGzip=1 UseLowRightsUser=0 Password=F5382C41EF6717EF21BE873E424D1982 PasswordLow= Template=chicane [Obfuscation] IsClientCryptLayerSupported=1 IsCryptLayerRequested=1 IsClientCryptLayerRequired=0 CryptoPaddingLenght=254 CryptoKadUDPKey=1724624452 [Proxy] ProxyEnableProxy=0 ProxyType=0 ProxyName= ProxyPort=1080 ProxyEnablePassword=0 ProxyUser= ProxyPassword= [UserEvents] [UserEvents/DownloadCompleted] CoreEnabled=0 CoreCommand= GUIEnabled=0 GUICommand= [UserEvents/NewChatSession] CoreEnabled=0 CoreCommand= GUIEnabled=0 GUICommand= [UserEvents/OutOfDiskSpace] CoreEnabled=0 CoreCommand= GUIEnabled=0 GUICommand= [UserEvents/ErrorOnCompletion] CoreEnabled=0 CoreCommand= GUIEnabled=0 GUICommand= [GUI] [GUI/TransferWnd] Splitter=295 ShowClientList=1 [EC] Host=localhost Port=4712 Password=4a76ff03d9d4b9538bf95d71cbae2036 | ||||||||||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||||||||||
Fixed in Revision | |||||||||||||
Operating System | Fedora 9 x86_64 - Kernel | ||||||||||||
Attached Files | |||||||||||||
Issue History | |||
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2008-08-17 13:56 | jmanuelgm | New Issue | |
2008-08-17 13:56 | jmanuelgm | Operating System | => Fedora 9 x86_64 - Kernel |
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