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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001467aMuleFeature Requestpublic2009-01-05 17:192010-05-16 16:32
Assigned ToGonoszTopi 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionSVN 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001467: Enable rename of complete file
Descriptionsee [^]

GonoszTopi: Renaming of completed files has been intentionally disables, because it caused problems with Kad. I might take another look at it...

There is a 'rename' in the context menu, but it's greyed out. It would require to republish keywords.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemAny
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0001479resolvedGonoszTopi can't rename files 

-  Notes
sturedman (developer)
2009-01-06 16:43

Someone should do a proper case study about it.
Without immediatness...
kubrick (reporter)
2009-01-07 07:46
edited on: 2009-01-07 07:46

I'm surprised you haven't been told that aMule were not a file manager (see 0000848) ;) (IMHO I agree with you sturedman, but the aMule devs' point of view is fair too...)

modifié le : 01-07-09 07:46
myth88 (updater)
2009-01-07 16:22

Shure...but this is useful for pre-releasing files under other name...and if i rename the file with my file manager aMule goes to rehash it! For files with 4 GiB of size it isn't really nice!

...i wrote about this also here: [^]
myth88 (updater)
2009-07-28 00:12

Any news here?
gav616 (reporter)
2009-07-29 17:57
edited on: 2009-07-29 18:02

as you touched on above, this feature would complement this problem I encounter as well: [^]

(I really need both for co-releasing)

pcmaster (reporter)
2009-08-08 22:05

The option of rename a file is convenient because in current state of amule, user can rename a file while is downloading but not after download without re-hash the file.

Also, amule has a greyed rename option. If it cannot be implemented, then is better remove the menu entry.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-01-05 17:19 sturedman New Issue
2009-01-05 17:19 sturedman Operating System => Any
2009-01-06 16:43 sturedman Note Added: 0003035
2009-01-06 16:43 sturedman Priority normal => low
2009-01-07 07:46 kubrick Note Added: 0003037
2009-01-07 07:46 kubrick Note Edited: 0003037
2009-01-07 16:22 myth88 Note Added: 0003039
2009-01-15 20:27 myth88 Note Added: 0003055
2009-02-01 14:01 sturedman Relationship added has duplicate 0001479
2009-07-28 00:12 myth88 Note Deleted: 0003055
2009-07-28 00:12 myth88 Note Added: 0003270
2009-07-29 17:57 gav616 Note Added: 0003273
2009-07-29 18:00 gav616 Note Edited: 0003273
2009-07-29 18:02 gav616 Note Edited: 0003273
2009-07-30 02:41 GonoszTopi Assigned To => GonoszTopi
2009-07-30 02:41 GonoszTopi Status new => confirmed
2009-07-30 02:41 GonoszTopi Resolution open => suspended
2009-07-30 02:41 GonoszTopi Projection none => minor fix
2009-08-08 22:05 pcmaster Note Added: 0003282
2010-05-16 16:32 GonoszTopi Status confirmed => resolved
2010-05-16 16:32 GonoszTopi Resolution suspended => fixed

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