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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001516aMuleGUIpublic2009-04-26 07:032009-04-26 07:03
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001516: When 2 or more clients sending files list in same time, only one displayed (in "Searches").
1. You should have 2 or more clients who are online and willing to send files list to you.
2. To easily reproduce this bug, it is a good idea to use clients with slow channels and big amount of shared files.

Steps to reproduce:
 1. Add clients to friends (helps to fetch file lists quickly)
 2. Fetch files list from one client
    (Messages -> right-click friend -> select View Files in appeared menu).
 3. Quickly do the same for one or more another client(s).
 4. Notice how many tabs appear in "Searches".

 If 2 or more clients are sending lists of files in same time, things are messed up. Only one tab opened for results with only single user's name in it.

 Each user should have it's own tab, just as it happens when we're waiting until some user completes sending data and asking other user. All files from all users responded with filelists should appear.

How found:
 Requested files from 2 friends with slow channels and busy with uploads, got messed up results.

 Depends on how many files remote user haves, how many bandwidth available for filelist transfer and how fast you're in requesting files from another users. In worst cases aka low bandwidth, quick requesting from 2 ppl - almost 100%. Your mileage may vary depending on amount of files shared by remote users, network bandwidth available and how fast you're in performing actions...
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemUbuntu x64 8.10 (probably not important for this bug)
Attached Files

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-26 07:03 u294 New Issue
2009-04-26 07:03 u294 Operating System => Ubuntu x64 8.10 (probably not important for this bug)

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