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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001540aMuleExternal Connpublic2009-07-12 18:102009-07-26 00:35
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.2.5 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001540: random crash, amule 2.2.5 in Fedora 11
Descriptioncrash. seems to happen after more than an hour of amule activity but appears random to me
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemFedora 11
Attached Filestxt file icon amule-bugreport.txt [^] (456,558 bytes) 2009-07-12 18:10

- Relationships

-  Notes
sturedman (developer)
2009-07-12 23:49

Please post a real backtrace, see [^]
jontis (reporter)
2009-07-14 12:04

sorry, I understand this will take my learning on my side. Should I compile the amule source 2.2.5 or the nightly build? Is it the source code or Fedora specific I need to compile in order to get detailed backtraces?
sturedman (developer)
2009-07-16 20:27

I suggest you try the nightly build. Source code is not fedora specific.
sturedman (developer)
2009-07-26 00:35

Suspended until more info available.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-07-12 18:10 jontis New Issue
2009-07-12 18:10 jontis File Added: amule-bugreport.txt
2009-07-12 18:10 jontis Operating System => Fedora 11
2009-07-12 23:49 sturedman Note Added: 0003233
2009-07-14 12:04 jontis Note Added: 0003239
2009-07-16 20:27 sturedman Note Added: 0003244
2009-07-26 00:35 sturedman Note Added: 0003264
2009-07-26 00:35 sturedman Status new => closed
2009-07-26 00:35 sturedman Resolution open => suspended

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