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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001568aMuleServerspublic2009-12-18 15:542009-12-30 22:53
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Product VersionSVN 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001568: amuled crash while using amulegui both running on the same machine (backtrace included)
----------------------------=| BACKTRACE FOLLOWS: |=----------------------------
Current version is: aMuleD SVN using wxGTK2 v2.8.10 (Snapshot: rev. 9900)
Running on: Linux 2.6.32-bfs311-NZ1 x86_64

[2] ?? in amuled[0x4168d5]
[3] wxFatalSignalHandler in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd3be47c]
[4] ?? in /lib/[0x7f8bbdea8e80]
[5] GSocket::Input_Timeout() in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64e09f]
[6] GSocket::Read(char*, int) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64e13d]
[7] wxSocketBase::_Read(void*, unsigned int) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64a149]
[8] wxSocketBase::Peek(void*, unsigned int) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64a265]
[9] wxProtocol::ReadLine(wxSocketBase*, wxString&) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd6451b5]
[10] wxHTTP::ParseHeaders() in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64371c]
[11] wxHTTP::BuildRequest(wxString const&, wxHTTP::wxHTTP_Req) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd6444f7]
[12] wxHTTP::GetInputStream(wxString const&) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd64490d]
[13] ?? in amuled[0x4a085a]
[14] ?? in amuled[0x4a1137]
[15] wxThreadInternal::PthreadStart(wxThread*) in /usr/lib/[0x7f8bbd3b9761]
[16] ?? in /lib/[0x7f8bbdea081a]
[17] clone in /lib/[0x7f8bbc89c8cd]
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemAny
Attached Files? file icon amuled_bt [^] (3,778 bytes) 2009-12-30 21:54 [Show Content]
? file icon amuled_bt2 [^] (1,975 bytes) 2009-12-30 22:53 [Show Content]

- Relationships

-  Notes
sturedman (developer)
2009-12-19 18:42

Crash occurred during a http download so it's probably not EC related. Please try to generate a real backtrace.
Nezmer (reporter)
2009-12-30 21:32
edited on: 2009-12-30 21:37

Hi, with r9900. I had a crash. Now amuled fails at startup. I got a bt with r9913 before cleaning my config. I hope It's enough:

0 0x00007ffff737709f in GSocket::Input_Timeout() () from /usr/lib/
1 0x00007ffff737713d in GSocket::Read(char*, int) () from /usr/lib/
2 0x00007ffff7373149 in wxSocketBase::_Read(void*, unsigned int) () from /usr/lib/
3 0x00007ffff7373265 in wxSocketBase::Peek(void*, unsigned int) () from /usr/lib/
4 0x00007ffff736e1b5 in wxProtocol::ReadLine(wxSocketBase*, wxString&) () from /usr/lib/
5 0x00007ffff736c71c in wxHTTP::ParseHeaders() () from /usr/lib/
6 0x00007ffff736d4f7 in wxHTTP::BuildRequest(wxString const&, wxHTTP::wxHTTP_Req) () from /usr/lib/
7 0x00007ffff736d90d in wxHTTP::GetInputStream(wxString const&) () from /usr/lib/
8 0x00000000004debd2 in CHTTPDownloadThread::GetInputStream (this=0xf805f0, url_handler=0x7ffff194fe58,
    location=<value optimized out>, proxy=<value optimized out>) at HTTPDownload.cpp:335
9 0x00000000004df53c in CHTTPDownloadThread::Entry (this=0xf805f0) at HTTPDownload.cpp:192
10 0x00007ffff70e2761 in wxThreadInternal::PthreadStart(wxThread*) () from /usr/lib/
11 0x00007ffff7bc981a in start_thread () from /lib/
12 0x00007ffff65c4c7d in clone () from /lib/
13 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

sturedman (developer)
2009-12-30 21:47

No. There is no bt full which gives a hint about the variables. I have no idea which http download this might be.
Nezmer (reporter)
2009-12-30 21:54

Attached `bt full`
Nezmer (reporter)
2009-12-30 22:42

Setting "NewVersionCheck=0" prevents amuled from crashing at startup.
Nezmer (reporter)
2009-12-30 22:53

I reproduced the symptoms described in the bug report.
Attaching amuled_bt2.

This could be caused by malicious file with many sources. But I don't think that should crash amuled.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-12-18 15:54 Nezmer New Issue
2009-12-18 15:55 Nezmer Operating System => Any
2009-12-19 18:42 sturedman Note Added: 0003336
2009-12-30 21:32 Nezmer Note Added: 0003343
2009-12-30 21:33 Nezmer Note Edited: 0003343
2009-12-30 21:37 Nezmer Note Edited: 0003343
2009-12-30 21:47 sturedman Note Added: 0003344
2009-12-30 21:54 Nezmer File Added: amuled_bt
2009-12-30 21:54 Nezmer Note Added: 0003346
2009-12-30 22:42 Nezmer Note Added: 0003347
2009-12-30 22:53 Nezmer Note Added: 0003348
2009-12-30 22:53 Nezmer File Added: amuled_bt2

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