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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001623aMuleUtilitiespublic2010-09-05 04:312011-04-17 14:08
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001623: amuleweb unicode filenames
Descriptionfilenames were shown correctly in the amuleweb interface
but when the files are downloaded ,they are named as Unknown, Unknown(1), and so forth
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemLinux
Attached Files

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-  Notes
sturedman (developer)
2010-09-05 13:38

Which version of aMule? (Problem is probably not related to amuleweb.)
What file system do you have for your incoming folder?
Can you rename the downloaded files in place to their intended names?
What kind of characters?
leo (reporter)
2010-09-05 14:12


What file system do you have for your incoming folder?

amuleweb: correct filenames in web interface, but named as Unknown when completed
amule: incorrect encoding, but it can be renamed correctly using the "takeover" function

What kind of characters?
Chinese Characters
sturedman (developer)
2010-09-05 20:07

Can you try the SVN version of aMule? I think we fixed something about that there.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-09-05 04:31 leo New Issue
2010-09-05 04:31 leo Operating System => Linux
2010-09-05 13:38 sturedman Note Added: 0003486
2010-09-05 14:12 leo Note Added: 0003487
2010-09-05 20:07 sturedman Note Added: 0003488
2011-04-17 14:08 GonoszTopi Status new => feedback

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