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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000182aMuleFeature Requestpublic2004-11-04 22:542005-03-09 17:07
Assigned Token 
PlatformMacOSOS XOS Version10.3.5
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000182: During launch, GUI flickers
DescriptionAs aMule is launching, the GUI has a lot of flicker. All the controls dim and undim repeatedly. I think it's happening once for each shared file that aMule encounters. Either that or once for each .part file it encounters. I also think this is slowing launch somewhat.
Steps To ReproduceSet up an aMule environment with numerous files being shared.
Launch aMule, watching as it starts up.
Observe window. Notice that toolbar buttons and other GUI elements dim and undim repeatedly.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating System
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
Kry (manager)
2004-11-13 14:00

Looking into it. Might explain a lot of things.
Xaignar (manager)
2005-01-16 17:46

This is caused by the lines
  if ( !(count % 10) ) ::wxSafeYield();
in DownloadQueue.cpp: CDownloadQueue::Init

IIRC, they were added to avoid a long unresponsive start times, however they don't seem to accomplish this very well.
Kry (manager)
2005-03-09 06:39

Xaignar (manager)
2005-03-09 17:07

It should be fixed nowadays, since the yields arn't there anymore. Reopen if that isn't the case. ;)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-11-04 22:54 ken New Issue
2004-11-13 14:00 Kry Status new => assigned
2004-11-13 14:00 Kry Assigned To => Kry
2004-11-13 14:00 Kry Note Added: 0000366
2005-01-07 04:26 Kry Assigned To Kry => ken
2005-01-16 17:46 Xaignar Note Added: 0000512
2005-03-09 06:39 Kry Note Added: 0000718
2005-03-09 17:07 Xaignar Status assigned => resolved
2005-03-09 17:07 Xaignar Resolution open => fixed
2005-03-09 17:07 Xaignar Note Added: 0000726

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