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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000509aMuleMiscpublic2005-07-25 15:452008-07-02 11:33
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.0.3 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000509: error 24: Too many open files
DescriptionDownloading about 700 files, sharing 10000

Suse 9.3 x86_64 single Athlon CPU, 1 GB RAM

Just few minutes after aMule starts, messages start appearing:

aMule error:

info: Could not create beckup of '<path>.404.part.met'(error 24: too many open files)

Details show:

* Impossible to get permission for file ... 404.part.met' (error 2: no such file or directory)
* info: cound not create backup of ...
* cant create file ....908.part.met.backup' (error 24: too manyu open files)
*cant create file ...oart.met.bak (error 24: too many open files)
* info: Could not create backup of .... .part.met


If I stop downloading about 100 files, messages stop.

Noting that network connections apparently also count in open files (but they are counted in lsof below, which is signigicantly lower then my limits)

Searched FAQ's, searched manual, Googled, not much usefull info. It does strike me as odd that most hits related to SuSE and ReiserFS (and since SuSE is the only distro using Reiser as default, it may as well be a Reiser related, but then I would expect that any production server running SuSE would be hittin this problem. Nothing on SuSE site (appart from standard 'increase /proc/sys/fs/file-max'

Note that my aMule faithfully served for about a month untill this started. It started immediately after I added some 50 new files to downloads.

Could it be a missleading message?

Thank you for your help.
Additional Informationlsof reports programs with largest number of open files as:

115 master
124 amarokapp
129 y2base
132 firefox-b
140 smbd
147 firefox
214 kded
410 evolution
944 httpd2-pr
1084 amule
Total open files: 6535

Kernel state: 4185 0 400000
(Max open files is set to 400000)

See also possibly related issues: [^] [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
Kry (manager)
2005-07-27 04:06

This is not a bug with aMule. Download less files, share less files (uploading them opens files), or increase the max open files on your linux system.
afalout (reporter)
2005-07-27 04:43

As mentioned, my file-max is set to 400000. Suse linux default is 203401

Four hundred thousand open files (handles) is not enough to download about 700 files, sharing 10000 (of which maybe 10 is open at any given time) ???

lsof dissagrees with this, and confirms that only 6535 files where open (including shockets) when aMule started reporting this error. Of those 6535 total, only 1084 file handles (includinfg shockets) where open by aMule itself.

All this FACTS where stated in original report.

Incientally; if ther is a limit of files to share or download with aMule, this should be clearly specified in a) documentation b) application itself - eg. aMule should issue a warning when user is trying to add more files to share/download then this limit you mentioned.

Somehow, I am reasonably sure that aMule does not have built-in limits of this kind. But what do I know...


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-07-25 15:45 afalout New Issue
2005-07-27 04:06 Kry Note Added: 0001172
2005-07-27 04:43 afalout Note Added: 0001173
2008-07-02 11:33 Wuischke Status new => closed

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