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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000702aMuleTransferpublic2005-12-08 18:542008-07-02 11:47
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000702: two categories with same name?
Descriptionit is possible to have two categories wtih same name.

it would be ok if the user created them manually by editting amule.conf, but from GUI, aMule should check this to prevent two categories having the same name. Also, "New category" default name should change to "New category 2", ..3 ..4 when it already exists.

Haveing categories with the same name doesn't conflict. or at least I haven't noticed any real bug, but is just confusing.
Additional InformationChnaces when a newbie might create duplicate categories are
*by default it is always the same name
*when there are enough tabs not to fit the windw, someone mght create a tab which is not in he visible scroll but already existing
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-  Notes
Xaignar (manager)
2005-12-08 23:56

There are no issues (AFAIK) assosiated with duplicate categories, since they are identified by number, not by name. Not sure if it's worth it to impose "no dups" rules.
Jacobo221 (updater)
2005-12-09 01:40

Yes I know they are identified by number and, as I said, I didn't find any issues about it. I don't think there will be. But there is a usage issues (as described in "Additional Information"). Imagine in the search window selecting the category where files should go and finding you have two cats with the same name. It is obviously the user's fault, but he/she would be disturbed about why did aMule allow it, well that's mi opinion. IMO there is no reason why anyone would want to have two categories with the same name. Anyway, agaihn, that's simply an opinion.

What I consider much more important is to rename the new categories to "New category N" (first one, obviously, with no number).

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-12-08 18:54 Jacobo221 New Issue
2005-12-08 23:56 Xaignar Note Added: 0001578
2005-12-09 01:40 Jacobo221 Note Added: 0001580
2008-07-02 11:47 Wuischke Status new => closed

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