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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000758aMuleMiscpublic2006-01-06 12:452006-01-07 04:00
Assigned ToXaignar 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000758: Sorting by multi-valued columns
DescriptionExamples of multi-valued columns would be the Sources column in the Downloads view, the Requests and Transferred Data column in the Shared Files view, etc.

They usually keep track of a current and a total count. Sorting should treat this value as a tie-breaker, akin to the multi-column sorting already implemented.

Presumably, this should yield to sorting by a different column, like this:

1a. Click on Column1 (single value : C1a)
2a. Click on Column2 (single value : C2a)

Now C2a is used for the primary sort, and C1a to break any ties.

1b. Click on Column1 (single value : C1a)
2b. Click on Column2 (two values : C2a, C2b)

Now C2a should be used for the primary sort, any ties should be resolved by C1a, and after that any remaining ties should be resolved by C2b.

That is Column1=Priority / Column2=Requests would produce the following:

File3 (Normal) (1/15)
File1 (High) (1/10)
File2 (High) (1/21)
File6 (High) (1/22)
File4 (Normal) (2/22)
File5 (High) (2/3)

Changing Column2=Requests to descending should either ignore the total count (keep it ascending) or, simpler, sort both descending, like this:

File4 (Normal) (2/22)
File5 (High) (2/3)
File3 (Normal) (1/15)
File6 (High) (1/22)
File2 (High) (1/21)
File1 (High) (1/10)

And similiarily for two multi-valued columns.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
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-  Notes
lao (reporter)
2006-01-06 16:27

Alternatively, it could of course also sort first by C2a, then by C2b and then by C1a.

Then we'd get:

File1 (High) (1/10)
File3 (Normal) (1/15)
File2 (High) (1/21)
File6 (High) (1/22)
File5 (High) (2/3)
File4 (Normal) (2/22)

Possibly that's slightly more useful, though I'm not sure.

It's really just a cosmetic issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-01-06 12:45 lao New Issue
2006-01-06 16:27 lao Note Added: 0001728
2006-01-07 04:00 Kry Status new => assigned
2006-01-07 04:00 Kry Assigned To => Xaignar

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