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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000811aMuleMiscpublic2006-02-04 13:352008-07-06 23:24
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.1.0 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000811: connection problem
Descriptioni have some problems; namely amule is only able to connect to very few servers. amule cant connect from most of the servers in an updated serverlist. is it possible that some specifications have changed on the servers? i dont had this problems a month or so ago.
i updated amule to 2.1.0 yesterday (connectvity problems did not change) and i got an automatic message from a client that my client connects to fast and got banned. never happened before.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
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Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
Kry (manager)
2006-02-04 22:12

No specs changed on servers (well, they did, you aMule got upgraded of course) and it works here perfectly.
sein_schatten (reporter)
2006-02-05 03:13

2006-02-05 03:12:57: AICH Thread: Syncronization thread started.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: AICH Thread: Masterhashes of known files have been loaded.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: AICH Thread: No new files found.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: AICH Thread: Terminated.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Connecting
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Connecting to Menoko GenTRI ( -
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Read 200 Kad contacts
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Creditfile loaded, 583 clients are known

2006-02-05 03:12:57: - This is aMule 2.1.0 using wxGTK2 v2.6.2 based on eMule.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Running on Linux 2.6.10-ac12 i686
2006-02-05 03:12:57: - Visit [^] to check if a new version is available.

2006-02-05 03:12:57: Loading ipfilter.dat files.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Loaded 0 IP-ranges from 'ipfilter.dat'. 0 malformed lines were discarded.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Loaded 0 IP-ranges from 'ipfilter_static.dat'. 0 malformed lines were discarded.
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Loading server.met file: /home/sein_schatten/.aMule/server.met
2006-02-05 03:12:57: 231 servers in server.met found
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Found 445 part files
2006-02-05 03:12:57: External connections disabled in config file
2006-02-05 03:12:57: MuleUDPSocket: Created Server UDP-Socket at port 4665
2006-02-05 03:12:57: MuleUDPSocket: Created Client UDP-Socket at port 4672
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Found 139 known shared files
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Lost connection to Menoko GenTRI (
2006-02-05 03:12:57: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:08: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:08: Connecting to !-= =-! ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:08: Lost connection to !-= =-! (
2006-02-05 03:13:08: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:09: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:09: Connecting to !-= =-! Behemoth ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:09: Lost connection to !-= =-! Behemoth (
2006-02-05 03:13:09: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:14: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:14: Connecting to Donkix 1.0 ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:15: Lost connection to Donkix 1.0 (
2006-02-05 03:13:15: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:30: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:30: Connecting to ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:31: Lost connection to (
2006-02-05 03:13:31: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:35: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:35: Connecting to pr0nMaSter 1 ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:35: Lost connection to pr0nMaSter 1 (
2006-02-05 03:13:35: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:36: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:36: Connecting to Pirate's Lair 6 ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:36: Lost connection to Pirate's Lair 6 (
2006-02-05 03:13:37: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:39: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:39: Connecting to Razorback 2.1 ( -
2006-02-05 03:13:39: Lost connection to Razorback 2.1 (
2006-02-05 03:13:39: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:13:44: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:13:44: Connecting to Sonny Boy 1 ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:10: Connection attempt to Sonny Boy 1 ( timed out.
2006-02-05 03:14:10: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:14:10: Connecting to The_h0Tz0ne_6 ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:10: Lost connection to The_h0Tz0ne_6 (
2006-02-05 03:14:11: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:14:14: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:14:14: Connecting to The_h0Tz0ne_1 ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:15: Lost connection to The_h0Tz0ne_1 (
2006-02-05 03:14:15: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:14:18: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:14:18: Connecting to WWeDD? ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:18: Lost connection to WWeDD? (
2006-02-05 03:14:18: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:14:20: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:14:20: Connecting to Wild ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:21: Lost connection to Wild (
2006-02-05 03:14:21: Connection lost
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Servers: Trying to connect
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Connecting to 0000001 ( -
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Connected to 0000001 (
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Servers: Connected
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Connection established on: 0000001
2006-02-05 03:14:26: New clientid is 1011648084
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Received 12 new servers
2006-02-05 03:14:26: Saving of server-list completed.

here is a normal log when i start amule. that is not normal that all of the servers except a few allow me to connect. :/

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-02-04 13:35 sein_schatten New Issue
2006-02-04 22:12 Kry Note Added: 0001848
2006-02-05 03:13 sein_schatten Note Added: 0001855
2008-07-06 23:24 Wuischke Status new => closed

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