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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000848aMuleFeature Requestpublic2006-03-20 15:042008-02-19 11:03
Assigned ToXaignar 
StatusresolvedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product VersionSVN 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000848: Add a Delete command for completed downloads
DescriptionWhen a download is finished, you could replace the "Cancel" command in the right-click menu by a "Delete" commande instead of just disabling the "Cancel" command.
It would be nice too to have a "Delete" commande in the shared file list.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
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-  Notes
Kry (manager)
2006-03-21 05:37

Are we a file manager now?
kubrick (reporter)
2006-03-22 13:41

Sorry man, I won't borrow you anymore w/ my silly ideas of useless features.
Kry (manager)
2006-03-22 20:43

I was just calling for discussion on it. I'm not the canonical answer, I just don't see the point.
kubrick (reporter)
2006-09-15 20:04

Okay :) The point is : when a download finishes and I see it is not what I wanted (fake file, poor quality or whatever else) I'd like to be able to delete it whithout launching a file-manager or typing a command. That's all.
essaion (reporter)
2006-09-24 01:34
edited on: 2006-09-24 01:40


For finished files, what about the "Check" box, that removes all finished (aka "completed") files from your whole lists ??

For the "delete" command in the shared file list, maybe you could delete the file by yourself, or move the file in another non-shared folder ?


EDIT : okay, i just rode the reason you were asking for this feature. In my opinion, you indeed have to open a file manager and delete the file. It's not that hard, isn't it ?

edited on: 09-24-06 01:40
kubrick (reporter)
2006-09-24 18:06

The thing is : is that so hard to implement? does it make the interface that more heavy? I guess (but maybe I'm wrong) it does not, and that it just makes aMule more comfortable to use.
Moreover it is safer because if I just delete the file in my file manager and forget to refresh shared files list, peers may ask for that file and wait for nothing.
Kry (manager)
2006-09-26 05:06

"Moreover it is safer because if I just delete the file in my file manager and forget to refresh shared files list, peers may ask for that file and wait for nothing."

No. Shared files will refresh automatically if you get any request, and client will be informed you dont' have that file anymore.

I think "Delete" makes the interface bloated, and it's a step in a direction I don't want to go. I can get away with "Open containing folder", but from there on, I odn't think we must behave like a file manager.

And it's dangerously definite action, delete. I don't like the idea of messing with the shared files, they should be read-only, unlike download files.
kubrick (reporter)
2006-09-27 19:08

All right.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-03-20 15:04 kubrick New Issue
2006-03-21 05:37 Kry Note Added: 0001895
2006-03-22 13:41 kubrick Note Added: 0001917
2006-03-22 20:43 Kry Note Added: 0001918
2006-09-15 20:02 kubrick Note Added: 0002105
2006-09-15 20:04 kubrick Note Added: 0002106
2006-09-19 19:00 kubrick Note Deleted: 0002105
2006-09-24 01:34 essaion Note Added: 0002118
2006-09-24 01:34 essaion Note Added: 0002119
2006-09-24 01:35 essaion Note Deleted: 0002119
2006-09-24 01:38 essaion Note Edited: 0002118
2006-09-24 01:38 essaion Note Edited: 0002118
2006-09-24 01:39 essaion Note Edited: 0002118
2006-09-24 01:40 essaion Note Edited: 0002118
2006-09-24 18:06 kubrick Note Added: 0002120
2006-09-26 05:06 Kry Note Added: 0002123
2006-09-27 19:08 kubrick Note Added: 0002127
2008-02-19 11:03 Xaignar Status new => resolved
2008-02-19 11:03 Xaignar Resolution open => won't fix
2008-02-19 11:03 Xaignar Assigned To => Xaignar

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