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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001217aMuleSearchpublic2007-12-02 18:212008-01-06 17:20
Assigned ToXaignar 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version2.1.3 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001217: Crash when click on closed button in searching panels
DescriptionWhen you do a global research you open a Tab that contains the result.

If you click on the X button to close it, aMule is crashing.
Additional InformationMy OS package are ok. (update downloaded each day.)

aMule was installed through synaptic manager.

I am not a good linux user, but if you tell me how to do, i can give you more informations about my system and wich packages are installed on my computer.

Sorry for my english, i am french !
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating SystemDebian "testing" Lenny
Attached Files

- Relationships
related to 0001212resolvedXaignar AMULE crashes when closing folders in search view or in messages view 
related to 0001215resolvedXaignar cvs amule closes when last search tab is closed 

-  Notes
Marco46 (reporter)
2007-12-02 18:26

This problem seems to be the same as the number 0001212.
Marco46 (reporter)
2007-12-02 18:34

Ok, after other testing, a right clic then clic on close tab dont crash aMule.

The crash occurs ONLY on the FIRST tab in the list.
Xaignar (manager)
2008-01-06 17:20

Thanks for the report. This should now be fixed in current SVN, and by fixed, I mean worked around, since it's a wxWidgets bug. Thanks for the report, and please let us know if you still experience this problem.


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-12-02 18:21 Marco46 New Issue
2007-12-02 18:21 Marco46 Operating System => Debian "testing" Lenny
2007-12-02 18:26 Marco46 Note Added: 0002470
2007-12-02 18:34 Marco46 Note Added: 0002471
2008-01-06 17:18 Xaignar Relationship added related to 0001212
2008-01-06 17:18 Xaignar Relationship added related to 0001215
2008-01-06 17:20 Xaignar Status new => resolved
2008-01-06 17:20 Xaignar Resolution open => fixed
2008-01-06 17:20 Xaignar Assigned To => Xaignar
2008-01-06 17:20 Xaignar Note Added: 0002490

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