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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000046aMuleMiscpublic2004-05-07 21:472004-05-27 00:04
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PlatformOSOS Version
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000046: crashes while running
Descriptionamule 2 rc3 crashes after a random time almost everytime during the first six hours of runtime. If it doesn't crash, it will hang - stopping to update the GUI, no longer doing any network traffic and using up 100% of the cpu.

Note that I run amule with a GUI opened and visible all the time 24/7 (on a vnc x server on a linux debian system). But I do not use it interactively (only to add new downloads from time to time).

The crashes and/or hangs occur sometimes with the GUI being displayed on a vnc connection, sometimes they happen while there's no connection to the vnc server (but the GUI is still "displayed" on the server, of course).

My Debian is a:
Linux foo 2.4.25-486 0000005 SMP Sun Mar 14 09:21:56 CET 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
(A woody, set to use unstable, then an apt-get update/upgrade and a custom compiled kernel)

Hope this helps.

Keep it coming!

Additional InformationOutput:
Finished Hashing foo.pdf
Hashing thread timed out with no aditions - removing thread
Hashing thread ended

OOPS! - Seems like aMule crashed

[0] /usr/bin/amule(_ZN9CamuleApp16OnFatalExceptionEv+0x42) [0x81fcec2]
[1] /usr/lib/ [0x403d096d]
[2] /lib/ [0x40fae825]
[3] /lib/ [0x4101d658]
[4] /usr/bin/amule(_ZN13CUpDownClient17CalculateKBpsDownEv+0x151) [0x80e39a1]
[5] /usr/bin/amule(_ZN9CPartFile7ProcessEjh+0x26f) [0x818f88f]
[6] /usr/bin/amule(_ZN14CDownloadQueue7ProcessEv+0x2aa) [0x80f45ea]
[7] /usr/bin/amule(_Z9TimerProcv+0x78) [0x81f6d48]
[8] /usr/lib/ [0x402e6667]
[9] /usr/lib/ [0x402e6483]
[10] /usr/lib/ [0x40389997]
[11] /usr/lib/ [0x40296e6d]
[12] /usr/lib/ [0x40653ec4]
[13] /usr/lib/ [0x4065303d]
[14] /usr/lib/ [0x406534f4]
[15] /usr/lib/ [0x40653724]
[16] /usr/lib/ [0x40579c3f]
[17] /usr/lib/ [0x40245a79]
[18] /usr/lib/ [0x402a6a47]
[19] /usr/lib/ [0x402461db]
[20] /usr/bin/amule(main+0x1b) [0x81f822b]
[21] /lib/ [0x41009dc6]
[22] /usr/bin/amule(_ZN18wxBaseArrayPtrVoidD2Ev+0x31) [0x80a7161]
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
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Attached Files

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-  Notes
foo (reporter)
2004-05-07 21:49

Forgot to add that this also happened with rc1 and rc2 but not with 1.2.6

BTW, downloads really picked up with rc3 :-)
..until it crashes that is *sigh*
Xaignar (manager)
2004-05-27 00:04

Ok, first off try to compile aMule with debugging enabled and run it through gdb, since the normal backtrace usually isn't very helpful. You can how to do that here: [^]
Secondly, please post backtraces in the backtrace forum as it otherwise clogs up this buglist. ;)


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-05-07 21:47 foo New Issue
2004-05-07 21:49 foo Note Added: 0000056
2004-05-27 00:04 Xaignar Status new => closed
2004-05-27 00:04 Xaignar Note Added: 0000061

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