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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000052aMuleFeature Requestpublic2004-05-27 03:502004-06-23 11:38
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000052: aMule crash on SuSE 9.1
DescriptionaMule crash on connect to any servr on SuSE 9.1 or in some actions, a have already try glib for i586 and glib for i686 (default )

cpu: Athlon 2000

Additional Informationconsole output always the same from OOPS:

Loading temp files from /home/marcel/.aMule/Temp/*.part.met.
Hashing thread timed out with no aditions - removing thread
Hashing thread ended

OOPS! - Seems like aMule crashed

[0] amule(_ZN9CamuleApp16OnFatalExceptionEv+0xdf) [0x81d5d5f]
[1] /usr/lib/ [0x403dcd4b]
[2] [0xffffe420]
[3] /usr/lib/ [0x402d6c6e]
[4] amule(_ZN16wxODListLineData17DrawTextFormattedEP4wxDCRK8wxStringiiii+0x65) [0x8140045]
[5] amule(_ZN16wxODListLineData16DrawInReportModeEP4wxDCRK6wxRectS4_b+0x284) [0x81421a4]
[6] amule(_ZN18wxODListMainWindow7OnPaintER12wxPaintEvent+0x6bf) [0x814388f]
[7] /usr/lib/ [0x402f3213]
[8] /usr/lib/ [0x402f33a3]
[9] /usr/lib/ [0x40299215]
[10] /usr/lib/ [0x4029d6ba]
[11] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x405fd264]
[12] /usr/local/lib/ [0x40876aac]
[13] /usr/local/lib/ [0x40885561]
[14] /usr/local/lib/ [0x40886850]
[15] /usr/local/lib/ [0x40886d96]
[16] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x406d99b4]
[17] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x405f8d89]
[18] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x407a0be7]
[19] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x407a0d97]
[20] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x407a0dff]
[21] /usr/local/lib/ [0x408ca851]
[22] /usr/local/lib/ [0x408cc257]
[23] /usr/local/lib/ [0x408ce6f9]
[24] /usr/local/lib/ [0x408cf6e8]
[25] /opt/gnome/lib/ [0x405f911f]
[26] /usr/lib/ [0x4023f627]
[27] /usr/lib/ [0x4029eeaf]
[28] /usr/lib/ [0x40240093]
[29] amule(main+0x1b) [0x81d928b]
[30] /lib/tls/ [0x41120500]
[31] amule(_ZN10wxNotebook12SetSelectionEi+0x45) [0x80cdd21]

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating System
Attached Files

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-  Notes
Marcel (reporter)
2004-05-27 03:54

Sorry my amule vertion is
2.0 rc3

pls excuse my bad english
Xaignar (manager)
2004-05-27 10:45

Your copy of wxGTK seems to be linked against GTK2. This is not recommended at the moment, so I suggest that you install a version linked against GTK1. You can find more information on how to do that here, if your distro does not provide the correct binaries: [^]

Also, in the future, pleaes only post backtraces in the backtraces forum, not on the buglist.

Marcel (reporter)
2004-05-28 03:42

Yes that should make the trick, but i already install wxBASE and wxGTK from your web site ( yes i first uninstalled )

Before I make that i could not even install aMule.

But I try xMule and work fine, thanks any way.

"./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --enable-final --with-gtk --disable-profile"

sorry about that

and sorry for my realy bad english.
Marcel (reporter)
2004-05-28 04:28

""./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-debug --enable-final --with-gtk --disable-profile"
 sorry about that"

again sorry i mean sorry about:
"Also, in the future, pleaes only post backtraces in the backtraces forum, not on the buglist."

I just discovered that the crash is when i connect to a server, if i don`t stay up with no problems.
Xaignar (manager)
2004-05-29 20:47

I have a bit difficulti following you. Is the crash still happening after you installed a copy of wxGTK linked to GTK1? If it is, please post a backtrace in the backtraces forum. If not (if it's the same as above), then we are aware of the cause and are working on fixing it.

Xaignar (manager)
2004-06-23 11:38

Closing bug as no further information was given. Presuming that the issue was resolved.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-05-27 03:50 Marcel New Issue
2004-05-27 03:54 Marcel Note Added: 0000080
2004-05-27 10:45 Xaignar Status new => closed
2004-05-27 10:45 Xaignar Note Added: 0000081
2004-05-28 03:42 Marcel Status closed => feedback
2004-05-28 03:42 Marcel Resolution open => reopened
2004-05-28 03:42 Marcel Note Added: 0000082
2004-05-28 04:28 Marcel Note Added: 0000083
2004-05-29 20:47 Xaignar Note Added: 0000088
2004-06-23 11:38 Xaignar Status feedback => closed
2004-06-23 11:38 Xaignar Note Added: 0000110

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