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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update | ||||
0000536 | aMule | External Conn | public | 2005-08-14 00:24 | 2005-08-20 23:32 | ||||
Reporter | rg3 | ||||||||
Assigned To | Kry | ||||||||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | always | ||||
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||||||
Platform | OS | OS Version | |||||||
Product Version | 2.0.3 | ||||||||
Target Version | Fixed in Version | SVN | |||||||
Summary | 0000536: Add option to specify listening address in amuled | ||||||||
Description | When you lauch amuled from the command line and perform netstat --listen --tcp --program, you can see it is listening on the configured port and all the addresses. A new option in the config file to specify the listening address (or hostname or interface) would be useful to make amuled a little bit more secure in some cases without requiring superuser privileges to configure the machine firewall. I'm running amuled+amuleweb to control aMule from somewhere else and I thought that would be useful, so only amuleweb is listening to the world while amuled can be set to listen only on the loopback interface. Thanks a lot for aMule and your efforts. Keep up the good work! | ||||||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||||||
Fixed in Revision | |||||||||
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Attached Files | |||||||||
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(0001220) rg3 (reporter) 2005-08-14 00:33 |
I was talking to Kry at #amule and he said it would be useful to post this. I'm not an expert in wxWhatever at all and this is what I found while Googling for 5 minutes, so I don't consider it accurate at all. Anyway: The class wxSocketServer lets you specify the binding address: [^] It uses a wxSockAddress which has a derivate class wxIPaddress which has a derivate class wxIPV4address that lets you specify the hostname: [^] |
(0001223) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 01:19 |
You mean the EC port or any aMule port? |
(0001224) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 02:13 |
Ok, I just added support for opening EC and aMule ports just on selected ips. Please test it (I did some tests, but I'd like you to try): Open a new CVS aMule (from 14/08/2005) Close it open ~/.aMule/amule.conf There are 2 lines: Address= and ECAddress=. Put there the ips (i.e. for your problem just set ECAddress= Try connecting to EC from localhost and from outside. And please report the results. :) |
(0001225) rg3 (reporter) 2005-08-14 02:19 |
Thanks, I'll do some tests when I come back to my workplace and post the results. :) |
(0001226) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 02:49 |
Waiting for them. |
(0001227) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 02:51 edited on: 2005-08-14 07:39 |
P.S: Notice this is only for listening connections. Outgoing connections must be routed properly. This is not a problem on EC, but it is on aMule, where we do connect to remote instead of beign connected. edited on: 08-14-05 07:39 |
(0001228) rg3 (reporter) 2005-08-14 12:31 |
Er... sorry for my bad explanation. I was referring exclusively to the EC address:port pair, eventhough I suppose being able to specify the address in other listening ports and connections would be eventually useful. I'm now rereading everything I wrote and realizing the confusion I created, sorry. |
(0001229) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 16:33 |
You did still not report :P |
(0001230) rg3 (reporter) 2005-08-14 23:37 |
Well, Kry, a big big thanks (and $10!) for implementing it. It seems to work alright for me. I'm anticipating the next stable release. |
(0001231) Kry (manager) 2005-08-14 23:50 |
Good to know. |
(0001244) Kry (manager) 2005-08-20 23:32 |
Are you still around? If you are, mind I changed the position of the item on amule.conf, so it's reset, but I added a new item on gui to set it. Make sure you set it back (by, i.e., closing amule, updating, running it again, closing it, and editing amule.conf) |
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Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2005-08-14 00:24 | rg3 | New Issue | |
2005-08-14 00:33 | rg3 | Note Added: 0001220 | |
2005-08-14 01:19 | Kry | Note Added: 0001223 | |
2005-08-14 01:20 | Kry | Status | new => assigned |
2005-08-14 01:20 | Kry | Assigned To | => Kry |
2005-08-14 02:13 | Kry | Note Added: 0001224 | |
2005-08-14 02:19 | rg3 | Note Added: 0001225 | |
2005-08-14 02:49 | Kry | Note Added: 0001226 | |
2005-08-14 02:51 | Kry | Note Added: 0001227 | |
2005-08-14 07:39 | Kry | Note Edited: 0001227 | |
2005-08-14 12:31 | rg3 | Note Added: 0001228 | |
2005-08-14 16:33 | Kry | Note Added: 0001229 | |
2005-08-14 23:37 | rg3 | Note Added: 0001230 | |
2005-08-14 23:50 | Kry | Status | assigned => resolved |
2005-08-14 23:50 | Kry | Fixed in Version | => CVS |
2005-08-14 23:50 | Kry | Resolution | open => fixed |
2005-08-14 23:50 | Kry | Note Added: 0001231 | |
2005-08-20 23:32 | Kry | Note Added: 0001244 |
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