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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000613aMuleExternal Connpublic2005-10-24 20:332005-10-25 19:46
Assigned ToXaignar 
StatusresolvedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000613: aMule doesn't remember the size of the window when minimized
Description1) I set the window at the maximum size
2) I minimize aMule
3) I open the window
---> the window is not set at her maximum size and it goes a little out of the screen.
Additional InformationUbuntu breezy 5.10
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in Revision
Operating System
Attached Filespng file icon size_window.png [^] (167,271 bytes) 2005-10-24 20:33

png file icon good_max_size.png [^] (164,162 bytes) 2005-10-24 21:02

- Relationships

-  Notes
pcmaster (reporter)
2005-10-24 21:24

I use amuled anda mulegui in two separate computers using Gentoo Linux.

Amulegui 2.0.3 don't have this problem in my system.

My system config is: xorg-x11-6.8.2-r4
Kernel 2.6.12-gentoo-r9
ATI free drivers (version included with kernel)
Radeon 9200 graphics card

This issue may be related to other destop (Gnome, KDE, etc) or with the amule monolithic aplication.
pcmaster (reporter)
2005-10-24 21:31

In the computer where amulegui is installed, amule monolithic aplication is also installed (i not use it) and also don't have this problem.

Try another destop, if possible.
mathesis (reporter)
2005-10-24 21:38

Yes I use Gnome 2.12, but I don't have other desktop installed. I ask at kunbuntu (KDE) users. I give some news as soon as possible.
mathesis (reporter)
2005-10-24 21:40

Edit: when I say 'minimize' I mean in the notification zone (kind of tray bar in windows).
pcmaster (reporter)
2005-10-24 21:57

¿Amule is the only program with this problem? Try if anothers aplications in your system do the same.
mathesis (reporter)
2005-10-24 22:31

Sorry, I didn't have any other application in the notification area. I've just isntalled gaim and I have the same trouble.
So i think it comes with the notification application or with Gnome (maybe both :-))

You can delete this bug report.
Thank you.
rucadias (reporter)
2005-10-24 22:45

Reminder sent to bluetux, xmartin

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-10-24 20:33 mathesis New Issue
2005-10-24 20:33 mathesis File Added: size_window.png
2005-10-24 21:02 mathesis File Added: good_max_size.png
2005-10-24 21:24 pcmaster Note Added: 0001352
2005-10-24 21:31 pcmaster Note Added: 0001353
2005-10-24 21:38 mathesis Note Added: 0001354
2005-10-24 21:40 mathesis Note Added: 0001355
2005-10-24 21:57 pcmaster Note Added: 0001356
2005-10-24 22:31 mathesis Note Added: 0001357
2005-10-24 22:45 rucadias Note Added: 0001358
2005-10-25 19:46 Xaignar Status new => resolved
2005-10-25 19:46 Xaignar Resolution open => no change required
2005-10-25 19:46 Xaignar Assigned To => Xaignar

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