Viewing Issues (251 - 291 / 291)
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| | P | ID | # |  |
Category | Severity | Status | Updated | Summary |
| |  | 0000428 | 1 | |
Transfer | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-05-14 | Sorting on the UploadList by Transferred is wrong |
| |  | 0000374 | 9 | |
Misc | minor | closed (Kry) | 2005-05-02 | misc. problems with friends |
| |  | 0000388 | 3 | |
Transfer | major | resolved (Kry) | 2005-05-02 | upload not stop |
| |  | 0000371 | 2 | 2 |
Misc | trivial | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-27 | Colors in the Statistics-Windows in "upload-speed" part bad |
| |  | 0000364 | 4 | |
Messages | tweak | resolved (ken) | 2005-04-26 | text size in aMule Log changes after click on Reset button |
| |  | 0000395 | 1 | |
Misc | text | resolved (GonoszTopi) | 2005-04-26 | amulegui not traslated |
| |  | 0000393 | 1 | |
External Conn | crash | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-24 | crash on SUSE 9.3 |
| |  | 0000375 | 3 | 1 |
Misc | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-04-24 | Misc GUI bugs in Statistics window |
| |  | 0000346 | 1 | |
Multi Platform | minor | resolved (ken) | 2005-04-24 | [Mac] mouse scroll wheel doesn't work |
| |  | 0000249 | 2 | |
Misc | minor | resolved (ken) | 2005-04-24 | On Mac, browers doesn't work |
| |  | 0000365 | 1 | |
Preferences | minor | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-21 | preferences window may be obscured |
| |  | 0000363 | 3 | |
Preferences | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-04-12 | FileIO: Error enumerating files for dir /.Trashes/ |
| |  | 0000349 | 1 | |
Misc | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-04-12 | sorting of sources in 'Downloads' window |
| |  | 0000373 | 1 | |
External Conn | crash | resolved (Kry) | 2005-04-11 | crash in CamuleApp::OnFatalException() in amule[0x82c2fcf] |
| |  | 0000357 | 3 | |
Misc | minor | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-08 | some Textfields do not resize when required |
| |  | 0000185 | 3 | |
Misc | trivial | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-08 | Fonts in lists are too large, inconsistent |
| |  | 0000174 | 2 | |
Search | minor | resolved (ken) | 2005-04-08 | search windows dont close using the x |
| |  | 0000350 | 1 | |
Messages | crash | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-04-03 | BACKTRACE |
| |  | 0000333 | 11 | |
Feature Request | crash | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-31 | When rightclick on systray icon |
| |  | 0000336 | 1 | |
Feature Request | minor | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-03-22 | aMule crash. Look the backtrace |
| |  | 0000324 | 4 | |
Sharedfiles | major | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-21 | does not even share unicode files |
| |  | 0000319 | 6 | |
Feature Request | tweak | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-17 | Keep selection when changing sort order |
| |  | 0000328 | 2 | |
Feature Request | feature | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-03-15 | clear the input field in search tab when clicking clear button |
| |  | 0000327 | 1 | |
Feature Request | minor | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-03-15 | suddenly crash |
| |  | 0000218 | 1 | |
Transfer | minor | resolved (ken) | 2005-03-13 | [Mac] Can't see end of long file name in File Details dialog (File name field) |
| |  | 0000321 | 1 | |
Feature Request | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-12 | razoback2 page for shared files |
| |  | 0000325 | 1 | |
Sharedfiles | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-11 | Impossible to open files with UTF-8 names |
| |  | 0000193 | 2 | |
Messages | minor | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-09 | False display with empty share list |
| |  | 0000317 | 2 | |
Feature Request | feature | resolved (Kry) | 2005-03-09 | Next download in the same category |
| |  | 0000285 | 2 | |
Misc | minor | resolved (Xaignar) | 2005-03-04 | Right click on tanferts categories label doesn't work porperly |
| |  | 0000276 | 20 | 4 |
Servers | crash | resolved (Kry) | 2005-02-28 | aMule crached when tried to start. |
| |  | 0000297 | 3 | |
Misc | minor | resolved (phoenix) | 2005-02-25 | mplayer needs stdout |
| |  | 0000298 | 2 | |
Feature Request | crash | closed (Kry) | 2005-02-22 | Crash Error |
| |  | 0000258 | 2 | |
Feature Request | minor | closed (Kry) | 2005-02-22 | Max port-value allowed is too high due to secondary port. |
| |  | 0000299 | 1 | |
Misc | minor | closed (Kry) | 2005-02-22 | Assertion when clicking in DQ/Last Reception column |
| |  | 0000286 | 2 | |
Multi Platform | minor | closed (Kry) | 2005-02-22 | Confirmation dialog has to big dimensions (out of screen, not visible) |
| |  | 0000303 | 2 | |
Servers | tweak | closed (Kry) | 2005-02-22 | "Too many files republished by your client software. Please upgrade it." |
| |  | 0000220 | 3 | |
Misc | major | resolved (Kry) | 2005-02-18 | CPU usage critical on Log full |
| |  | 0000293 | 1 | |
Search | crash | closed (phoenix) | 2005-02-16 | Crash when typing a non-numeral character in spinbox |
| |  | 0000204 | 4 | |
Messages | major | resolved (Kry) | 2005-02-07 | error 24: Too many open files |
| |  | 0000251 | 5 | |
Misc | major | resolved (Kry) | 2005-02-07 | Possible non-closing of connections, Router stall |
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