aMule - Change Log

aMule - SVN (Released 2005-02-07) View Issues ]
- 0001456: [Sharedfiles] finished files not properly shared (sturedman) - resolved.
- 0000490: [Messages] -65535 Sources (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001355: [External Conn] Compiled Failed If Flex Haven't --header-dir args (Marcell) - resolved.
- 0001317: [External Conn] amuleweb has displaying issues with files bigger than 4GB (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0001464: [Misc] aMule 2.2.3 won't build with GCC 4.4 [patch attached] (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0000423: [Misc] amuleweb search page: refresh doesn't honor sort orders (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0001416: [Preferences] French Translation error (slot allocation) (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0000735: [Misc] "0 sec" graph update interval inconsistency (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001165: [Misc] Girds doesn't appear any more. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001134: [Multi Platform] Mac Version opens on absent secondary monitor (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001160: [Misc] aMule window is too large (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001039: [External Conn] Using Tor SOCKS proxy (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000876: [Preferences] Fail to download ipfilter.dat when URL has Status 301 - "Moved permanently" (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001117: [Misc] aMule will not show kad status (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001288: [Misc] Amule exits without warning (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001239: [External Conn] Shared Files list does not update properly. Version 2.2.0 (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000938: [Feature Request] Names of files are not utf-8 (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001287: [Multi Platform] aMule 2.1.3 has non-working server list by default (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001283: [Misc] "Last Seen Complete" and "Priority" column display scrambled (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000584: [External Conn] Amulegui doesn't copy elinks to clipboard (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0000567: [Feature Request] Copy ED2K link to clipboard don't work on amulegui (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0000893: [External Conn] amulegui: "copy ed2k link to clipboard" does not work for search results (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000790: [Sharedfiles] Amule rehashes the files that were completed in the previous sesion (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000964: [Feature Request] Protocol Obfuscation support (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000723: [Messages] Status bar wrongly reports 'kad: ok' (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000782: [External Conn] Wrong request on EC port makes amuled crash (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001060: [Messages] erroneous Disponible .part file ratio (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001187: [Messages] crash when sorting download queue for QR (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000981: [External Conn] No hi/lo ID icon (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001113: [Sharedfiles] Not share files with special characters (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001015: [Feature Request] need crypted option (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001026: [External Conn] aMuleD crash on a specific EC_OP_SEARCH_START packet (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001121: [Sharedfiles] some part.met file not compatible to emule 0.45 or above (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001105: [Misc] crash when the server met url doesn't respond or respond with an error (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001139: [Utilities] aMule cannot copy to clipboard in KDE (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000902: [Misc] amuleweb crash in 'No such file' (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001189: [Misc] The URL to download can't be empty (weird reading of addresses.dat) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001171: [External Conn] Visualization problem (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000575: [External Conn] can't change priority from remote gui (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0001078: [Feature Request] enbale "stop" option for "paused" downloads (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000815: [Servers] "update servers list" button on the ed2k tab page freezes/crashes amule (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001065: [External Conn] Amule crash on linux mandriva at start up (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001066: [External Conn] amule crashed after cancelling the download server feature (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000813: [External Conn] nmap scan crashed amule (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001176: [Messages] Strange log when connecting to kad (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001177: [Sharedfiles] Cannot share directories with non-ascii characters in name (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001258: [External Conn] Amule stopped starting up (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001260: [Sharedfiles] aMule makes bad hashlinks (ed2k://) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001261: [Search] Search text lost at first search (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001251: [External Conn] amulegui priority setting not respected (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001241: [Transfer] Die ever on the Server List Update (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000839: [External Conn] aMuleWeb cookies conflict with other apps' cookies. (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001230: [Misc] UPnP: memory leak? (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001130: [Sharedfiles] Big downloads make amule really busy (playing with itself) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001188: [Search] Tag list read/write cycle corrupts data (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001106: [Search] aMule crashes and closes up when closing last or only searching tab (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000932: [Misc] --version argument request special CVS/SVN flag to print version (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001236: [Servers] amule crashes when I try to recover the server list (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0001133: [Misc] suppress error message if skin/webserver folder not found (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0001123: [Search] No kad sources are ever found/used on Ubuntu (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001111: [Feature Request] Add ogg vorbis codecs to search types video and audio (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0001100: [Utilities] Online Sign Frequency does not work... (Wuischke) - resolved.
- 0001092: [Misc] Compilation of amuled fails - wx/image.h: No such file or directory (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000998: [External Conn] Cannot add link to download file > 4GB (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000780: [Servers] Kad does not reconnect on loss (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000949: [External Conn] Incorrect percentage displayed by amulecmd for files > 4Gb (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000945: [Sharedfiles] Shareddir.dat removed after starting amulegui (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000940: [External Conn] amuleweb Server-IP garbled (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000905: [Preferences] error change language (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000870: [Feature Request] let amulecmd -c "show dl" show the file number (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000858: [Transfer] kad does not reask buddy (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000849: [Servers] Smart LowId never worked (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000803: [Sharedfiles] hashing a file twice that is added to shared files (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000863: [Search] Search Panel Tabs selection (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000894: [External Conn] set bwlimit down takes effect, but returns limit was set to 0 (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000883: [Servers] amulegui: changing server not possible (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000897: [Servers] AICH-Hasher complains about known2.met during startup (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000339: [Feature Request] Better "stats" on amulecmd (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000856: [Feature Request] Extended amulecmd with 'show log' and 'reset' command (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000838: [External Conn] memory hole (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000810: [Feature Request] appending data to partially finished files (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000602: [External Conn] Amulegui crash pressing "Reload List" (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000741: [Transfer] the total speed possible is incorrect. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000738: [Feature Request] Set search type to KAD if only KAD is selected as usable networks in settings (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000756: [Misc] Missing "Remove from friends" option in Queue (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000760: [External Conn] IP-FILTER: unexpected app closing during ipfilter update (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000774: [External Conn] Amulegui show comments ->segmentation fault. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000605: [External Conn] Incorrect ICH statistics data (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000778: [Feature Request] Display kad search status (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000611: [Misc] Amulegui initial connection dialog box not completely translated (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000786: [Feature Request] related:: right click menu item in search page (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000809: [External Conn] Amulegui: Changing toolbar orientation shows the Import button. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000841: [Multi Platform] endian issue in KAD (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000847: [Search] Starting a second search crashes aMule (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000812: [External Conn] amulegui: wrong ed2k ports in server list (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000794: [Multi Platform] Imcompatible with Stack Protection in OpenBSD (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000775: [External Conn] grep: write error: Invalid file descriptor (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000684: [Search] old remaining bug: difficult to close tabs when too many are open (not to fit window) (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000793: [Sharedfiles] No deja compartir carpetas. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000807: [Preferences] Freeze when change Toolbar Vertical (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000821: [Feature Request] Razorback 2 shutdown (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000825: [Servers] Problem in Kademlia FindNode reply messages (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000816: [Search] unable to search CJK under UTF-8 environment (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000609: [Feature Request] remember columns sort accurately (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000797: [Search] Glitches in extended search "Min size must be smaller than max size" (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000754: [Misc] Multiple-column sort for Uploads/Queue/Clients view (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000755: [Misc] Ascending/Descending sort order is not remembered per-column (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000757: [Misc] Multiple-column sort for Shared Files view (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000762: [Misc] Sorting sources in the Downloads view - by multiple columns (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000763: [Misc] Sorting sources in the Downloads view - by Sources (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000761: [Misc] Sorting sources in the Downloads view - A4AF (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000764: [Transfer] Cannot download new files (CVS tarball 2006/01/06) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000722: [Search] kad search with file type filter don't give any result (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000721: [Servers] Broken Ping Stats on server listing (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000701: [Servers] amuled can not connect to servers (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000724: [Search] impossible to redownload completed files (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000734: [Preferences] non-restored icon in Directories -> share (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000725: [Misc] gtk2/freebsd6: build fails; amule-gui.cpp missing header file X11/Xlib.h (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000733: [Search] download button activated when serach fails (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000732: [Search] more brackets related bugs (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000728: [External Conn] amule hunging after clicking on launcher when one amule is running (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000580: [External Conn] can't search on kad with daemon (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000729: [External Conn] search query string parser (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000730: [Preferences] statistics connections graph Range requires restart (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000666: [Utilities] cas: truncated nicks (fulgas) - resolved.
- 0000718: [Misc] more systray ignoring kad (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000717: [Misc] systray mesage uncisistent (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000716: [External Conn] prefs -> seeds save, wrong text (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000715: [Preferences] prefs -> general -> "downloadlist dblclick to expand" option is broken or something (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000513: [Misc] When a download finishes, a new one is resumed, but not from the same category (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000671: [Feature Request] open file on double-click (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000451: [Misc] memory leak (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000704: [External Conn] servers connection cancel button (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000647: [Servers] missing scroll bar in ed2k/kad info (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000710: [Transfer] no expanded sources on completed files (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000703: [Messages] wierd behaviour when adding non-identified clients as friends (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000604: [External Conn] Amlegui cannot rename files. (lfroen) - resolved.
- 0000527: [Utilities] Cannot connect through Amuleweb (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000477: [Transfer] If HD gets full, aMule can't resume unfinished download (now with free space) (volpol) - resolved.
- 0000693: [Messages] username magically removed from tab text in Messages window (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000694: [Messages] aMule promoting spam/spyware/ads/dns-marketing! ;-) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000635: [Servers] amuled crash after some minutes (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000572: [External Conn] Windows: remote GUI crashes when closing (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000359: [Preferences] remember tree state for shared directory list (volpol) - resolved.
- 0000511: [External Conn] rename files from amulegui (lfroen) - resolved.
- 0000631: [Misc] Crash upon exit (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000697: [Sharedfiles] unified rename item (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000695: [External Conn] broken link in Shared Files' context menu (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000700: [Feature Request] import tool window doesn't pop up when clicking the import button if it is already running (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000466: [Transfer] big status bar on gtk2 (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000696: [Sharedfiles] ranimg in transfers window doesn't update filename in shared files window (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000682: [Search] clear doesn't clear exntended parameters and filtering (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000386: [Multi Platform] amule can be minimized twice (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000679: [Search] 20051202: con't download from search (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000673: [Feature Request] "Add download into category" in right-click menu (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000628: [External Conn] Content-Length sent by amuleweb is missing the last byte (lfroen) - resolved.
- 0000667: [Sharedfiles] aMule crashes while hashing a corrupted file (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000643: [Servers] aMule 2.0.3 crashes after a few minutes (btw 5 to 60 mn) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000664: [Misc] high cpu usage in statistics page (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000646: [External Conn] right click on transfer files randomly disabled (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000661: [Misc] windows consistency (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000659: [Servers] disconnect button might not disconnect kad and block it's function (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000662: [Utilities] amulecmd crashes on invalid pause command (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000606: [Misc] 20051020 100% cpu usage after raising upload limit (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000652: [Misc] 20051114 - Kad Statistics current average error (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000653: [Transfer] pause on a category tab pauses the current category (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000654: [Misc] audio preview/open (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000506: [Misc] aMule doesn't handle multiple sources given in ed2k link (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000152: [Feature Request] Executing a command after finishing to download a file (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000478: [Messages] "Clients in Queue"-Number in Transfer Window does not get to zero (volpol) - resolved.
- 0000649: [Misc] Shortcut inconsistency (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000579: [Multi Platform] Windows: amule kills itself when opening files > 2Gb (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000564: [External Conn] can't reconnect to kad with amulecmd (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000548: [External Conn] Most of AICH links don't work through EC (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000645: [Multi Platform] amuled not linking librt on Solaris (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000644: [Transfer] can't find sources (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000639: [Misc] problem in (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000637: [Misc] 20051102 - Statistics update interval error (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000638: [Misc] 20051102 - a FATAL ERROR is printed to stdout without reason (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000489: [Messages] Infinite loop write the log "Error in CClientUDPSocket: 4" (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000403: [Transfer] clear complete button, don't work (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000630: [Misc] Compilation fail with libgd2 when cas is not enable (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000626: [Feature Request] Support for .gz remote server list (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000413: [Feature Request] And the third button?? :) (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000619: [Misc] Latest CVS does not compile (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000535: [Transfer] Bad servers cause source-starvation for newly added files. (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000581: [External Conn] aMule crashes after network connectio loss (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000558: [Transfer] sorting "time remaining" column doesn't sort sources (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000568: [External Conn] amulegui crash sometimes (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000189: [Feature Request] Type-to-select doesn't work (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000529: [External Conn] amuleweb goes crash on login, amuled stop respond after couple minutes (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000536: [External Conn] Add option to specify listening address in amuled (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000539: [Misc] Unknown function GetToolPos (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000500: [Misc] aMule freezes (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000486: [External Conn] aMule doesn't compile caused by undefined reference to `CValueMap::~CValueMap()' (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000526: [Sharedfiles] comments are not saved (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000508: [External Conn] Fatal error, backtrace follows (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000409: [Messages] upload rate is always 0 in amulegui's title and status bar (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0000366: [Sharedfiles] File comments popup in Shared files (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000516: [Search] crash after repeated search (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000507: [Misc] aMule 2.0.3 and previous versions fails to compile with gcc 4.0.1 (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000514: [External Conn] Not all common file types recognized as Audio (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000440: [Utilities] aMule 2.0.1 - 100% CPU usage continues in amuled (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000430: [Transfer] Sources order by priority/status (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000377: [Feature Request] Exclude downloading/shared files from search results (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000222: [Feature Request] Provide a way to search and filter through returned search results. (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000025: [Feature Request] The colors used in the chat-dialgs should be changable (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000495: [Misc] IPFilter load issue (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000494: [Sharedfiles] Clients with score zero stay in queue (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000492: [Utilities] aMule gui fails to compile when using wxMotif 2.6.1 (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000417: [Misc] Upload priority is changed for completed files. (volpol) - resolved.
- 0000459: [Feature Request] New filter non-paused/non-sttoped (volpol) - resolved.
- 0000465: [External Conn] aMule does not always compute MD5 hashs correctly (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000435: [External Conn] amule crashes (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000442: [Transfer] Sort by "Time Remaining" puts files which are not transferring first (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000453: [Feature Request] Add option to export links with AICH hashes (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000445: [Feature Request] Applet (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000450: [Misc] configure with --enable-amulecmd > make error (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000439: [Misc] Null pointers in ListenSocket.cpp (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000438: [Misc] SetAllTimeTransfered() should be uint64 and not uint32 (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000428: [Transfer] Sorting on the UploadList by Transferred is wrong (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000388: [Transfer] upload not stop (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000371: [Misc] Colors in the Statistics-Windows in "upload-speed" part bad (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000364: [Messages] text size in aMule Log changes after click on Reset button (ken) - resolved.
- 0000395: [Misc] amulegui not traslated (GonoszTopi) - resolved.
- 0000393: [External Conn] crash on SUSE 9.3 (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000375: [Misc] Misc GUI bugs in Statistics window (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000346: [Multi Platform] [Mac] mouse scroll wheel doesn't work (ken) - resolved.
- 0000249: [Misc] On Mac, browers doesn't work (ken) - resolved.
- 0000365: [Preferences] preferences window may be obscured (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000363: [Preferences] FileIO: Error enumerating files for dir /.Trashes/ (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000349: [Misc] sorting of sources in 'Downloads' window (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000373: [External Conn] crash in CamuleApp::OnFatalException() in amule[0x82c2fcf] (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000357: [Misc] some Textfields do not resize when required (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000185: [Misc] Fonts in lists are too large, inconsistent (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000174: [Search] search windows dont close using the x (ken) - resolved.
- 0000350: [Messages] BACKTRACE (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000333: [Feature Request] When rightclick on systray icon (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000336: [Feature Request] aMule crash. Look the backtrace (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000324: [Sharedfiles] does not even share unicode files (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000319: [Feature Request] Keep selection when changing sort order (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000328: [Feature Request] clear the input field in search tab when clicking clear button (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000327: [Feature Request] suddenly crash (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000218: [Transfer] [Mac] Can't see end of long file name in File Details dialog (File name field) (ken) - resolved.
- 0000321: [Feature Request] razoback2 page for shared files (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000325: [Sharedfiles] Impossible to open files with UTF-8 names (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000193: [Messages] False display with empty share list (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000317: [Feature Request] Next download in the same category (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000285: [Misc] Right click on tanferts categories label doesn't work porperly (Xaignar) - resolved.
- 0000276: [Servers] aMule crached when tried to start. (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000297: [Misc] mplayer needs stdout (phoenix) - resolved.
- 0000220: [Misc] CPU usage critical on Log full (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000204: [Messages] error 24: Too many open files (Kry) - resolved.
- 0000251: [Misc] Possible non-closing of connections, Router stall (Kry) - resolved.
- 0001744: [External Conn] amulecmd search of Kad doesn't recognize search operators (Marcell) - closed.
- 0001147: [Feature Request] Canceled files aren't remembered (Wuischke) - closed.
- 0000677: [Misc] content of "networks" tab does not fit in amule's window (Kry) - closed.
- 0000345: [Multi Platform] [Mac] popup windows open on other monitor (Kry) - closed.
- 0001033: [External Conn] bad disk space usage - closed.
- 0001237: [Misc] Some man pages have wrong name with --suffix=XXX (Xaignar) - closed.
- 0000950: [Preferences] aMule crash if you select user skin file without a file. (Kry) - closed.
- 0000680: [Multi Platform] endians issue in source exchange ? (Kry) - closed.
- 0001156: [Misc] Compile error with wxGTK-2.8 - closed.
- 0000374: [Misc] misc. problems with friends (Kry) - closed.
- 0000298: [Feature Request] Crash Error (Kry) - closed.
- 0000258: [Feature Request] Max port-value allowed is too high due to secondary port. (Kry) - closed.
- 0000299: [Misc] Assertion when clicking in DQ/Last Reception column (Kry) - closed.
- 0000286: [Multi Platform] Confirmation dialog has to big dimensions (out of screen, not visible) (Kry) - closed.
- 0000303: [Servers] "Too many files republished by your client software. Please upgrade it." (Kry) - closed.
- 0000293: [Search] Crash when typing a non-numeral character in spinbox (phoenix) - closed.

[270 issues]

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